What Do You Hear? It is the Thursday Rundown

Good evening to everyone. I hope you have had a nice week thus far. Been kind of a weird one in this blogger’s household with a sick baby but the Thursday Rundown will go on. Here we go…

Mother’s Day Weekend Recap – The Resers sure had a nice Mother’s Day weekend. Sloan kicked it all off by “giving” Sid a heartfelt card she made at daycare. On Saturday, we spent time at the pool as Sloan’s love for the water managed to grow even more from last summer. We went to church later that night as we celebrated the conclusion of the Easter season with the Ascension. While there, we managed to try out some of the awesome tips we learned last week about keeping Sloan engaged during mass. On Sunday morning, Sid opened up her Mother’s Day presents. Then, almost 11 months after Sloan was baptized, another member of the family received the cleansing waters as we watched our niece’s baptism. We spent time relaxing during the middle of the day and then at night we all went out for Mother’s Day dinner at a Shogun-inspired restaurant called Miyabi.

We had a very nice Mother’s Day weekend.

A Year Ago – I had a lot of past blog posts and other memories I could have shared for the throwback portion of the Thursday Rundown but I couldn’t pass this up. One year ago, Sloan (and Sid) visited me at the office. Sloan arrived in her little Chanticleer outfit and it was so nice to hold her during the middle of the work day. I was also a proud daddy showing her off to my co-workers. A special memory for sure!

One year ago on this date, Sloan visited me in my office.

Yanny vs. Laurel – Everyone in the country is weighing in on whether that voice on the recording is saying “Yanny” or “Laurel.” Can I settle this? I live on a street named Laurel (crazy, huh?). My office is located in Laurel Hall (no joke). I know how to pronounce Laurel and I know what it sounds like. My friends, that voice on the recording is not saying Laurel. It is Yanny.

I work in Laurel Hall!+

“I Feel Pretty” – Last Friday, Sid and I cashed in a movie theater gift card and free babysitting services to go see Amy Schumer’s latest comedy, “I Feel Pretty.” I know I say this a lot, but it isn’t a movie you need to see in the theater. For Sid and me, it was extremely nice to get out of the house and see anything, but if you are particular about your theater choices, wait for this one to hit Redbox. With that said, it was still pretty funny. My biggest obstacle with the film was believing that Schumer actually had her “I am beautiful/perfect/etc” state of mind. You see, at the start of the movie, she falls off a bike at the gym, causing the normally low-confidence Schumer to completely change her whole outlook to the point where she believes she has super model looks. The movie relied entirely on Schumer’s acting to express this and I don’t think she did a good enough job conveying it.

Last Friday, Sid and I went and watched “I Feel Pretty.”

Dancing With The Stars: Athletes – Except for maybe an episode, I had never watched “Dancing with the Stars” until four weeks ago. It just wasn’t my cup of tea. However, I have watched every minute of the current season that is unfolding on ABC. A bit different from a regular competition, the one I am watching is “Dancing with the Stars: Athletes” and it is an abbreviated 4-week version of the show. Why am I watching? Josh Norman, a CCU alumnus, is competing on the show and I am covering it for our social media channels. Norman has made it to finale night on Monday and I will be cheering for him. No, the show still really isn’t my thing but I have allowed myself to enjoy this special season.

Josh Norman, along with Sharna Burgess, will compete in Monday’s “Dancing with the Stars” finale.


Are you sitting on your couch reading this blog post from your phone? Exit out of your browser and text one of your contacts a random, but authentic, compliment. Have a great weekend. Don’t Blink.

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