Good evening and thanks for returning to Don’t Blink. My wife says she doesn’t read all my blog posts but she makes sure to read every single Thursday Rundown. So, with that said…Hi Sidney! Here we go…
Tooth Fairy Traditions – It is common for children to place a tooth they lost under their pillow. The Tooth Fairy then arrives in the middle of the night and exchanges the tooth with some cash. That isn’t exactly how it happened in my household growing up. When I lost a tooth, my dad instructed me to put it in a glass of water by my bed. When I would awake the next morning, the tooth would be gone and a bunch of coins would be submerged in the water. Did you have any Tooth Fairy traditions growing up?

A photo of me as a little boy after I lost my first tooth.
Honoring My Parents – Last month at the joint 60th birthday party for my parents, we showed a slide show in their honor. Toward the end of the gathering, we instructed everyone still in our backyard to venture through the slider door into my parents’ basement. With the downstairs area filled to capacity, I briefly addressed the crowd and then pressed “play” on the slideshow. It was one of those moments where you could feel the love and wonderment in the room. To view the tribute, click here.

A look at a portion of my parents’ basement when we showed the video. We crammed a lot of people in so they could watch the special presentation.
Latest MOD Pizza Creation – I got off work late last Friday and with Sidney and Sloan still out of town, I picked up dinner on the way home. I stopped at MOD Pizza and had them bake me a pie. As usual, I went with a pesto base but this time around I added a couple ingredients. Friday’s version included mozzarella, spicy Italian sausage, grilled chicken, corn, pineapple, and blue cheese. While not the preferred combination of everyone, I sure enjoyed it!

This was my MOD Pizza from Friday night. Corn, pineapple, and blue cheese go together…right?
Pregnancy Reveal – Today is the one year anniversary of when Sidney and I surprised my parents with the news that we were expecting Sloan. Hard to believe that just 52 weeks ago today Sloan was still just the size of a poppy seed and, until later on in the evening, completely unbeknownst to her grandparents. We made sure to capture the reveal on video so if you want to see my dad cry, click here.

I created a video of the reaction of my parents after Sidney and I told them we are expecting.
More Updated Sloan Photos – Tomorrow Sloan will turn 21 weeks. On Monday she started going to daycare. Her new thing is standing up (with my assistance) on my lap and then after a couple minutes collapsing down on her bottom. Over the weekend we gave her a taste of formula mixed with rice cereal. Here is her latest photo collage.

This is the latest Sloan photo collage.
Tomorrow is my last Friday of early summer release at work. Going to try and enjoy it with Sid! Just because the summer schedule at work might be over, the season itself has by no means reached a conclusion. Make sure to enjoy these next few weeks. Don’t Blink.
Is there a MOD Pizza restaurant in the Myrtle Beach area???
Gordon – Yes. We have two locations in Myrtle Beach.