I am off on vacation!!
Ummm, wait. Didn’t you just get back from almost two weeks of vacation?
(embarrassed look on face and a defeated nod).
Yes, I did just get back from Spokane on Wednesday night after seeing my family. But now it is time to spend a few days with my other family.

I will be attending vacation at Hilton Head with Sidney’s family (a couple babies have been added since this photo was taken in October).
Pretty soon Sidney, Sloan, and I will be taking off in the car to Hilton Head, S.C., for a relaxing vacation with my wife’s family. An island, Hilton Head is known for beautiful beaches, prime golf courses, and abundant wildlife.
Sid’s parents have rented out a beach house for the Mathis clan to enjoy over the next week. Although I would like nothing more than to stay through next Saturday, I will be returning solo to Myrtle Beach late Monday night so I can get back to work. Sid and Sloan will stay for the duration of the vacation.
I am excited for the next few days! Hilton Head isn’t Bill Clinton’s favorite vacation spot for nothing. I have heard the place is beautiful and I am excited to experience something new. Most of all, I am excited to spend time with Sidney’s family. Should be a fun ride! Don’t Blink.
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