A Change for Don’t Blink

I have alluded to this a couple times in recent blog posts but I wanted to address it in an official manner. Almost four weeks ago, I was given the biggest blessing of my life when Sloan was born. In just under a month since that beautiful day, I have enjoyed every minute of being a dad. Although I knew going in that my time commitments would be dramatically altered once she was born, the last 26 days have confirmed it.

In order to give my full attention to my family, I have ceased certain activities and practices. These have all been worthwhile sacrifices in my pursuit to spend more time with my wife and daughter. I won’t go into detail on everything I have cut out but if you read Don’t Blink, you have probably noticed one thing:

I am blogging less.

For the past 4-5 years, I have been a full-time blogger. I have made it a point to blog at least five times a week. Giving Don’t Blink priority over other activities was cool when my responsibilities were less but things change when you are suddenly in charge of another human being. I won’t delve into the time that is demanded when you are writing and formatting blog posts on a consistent basis because I have done that before. However, I can tell you in general terms that it is a lot.

Now don’t think for one second that I am throwing in the towel on Don’t Blink. Hardly. I still plan to post 2-3 times per week. There might even be instances where I do find the time (in the wee hours of the morning or on Sundays) to publish the number of posts per week that you have come to expect over the years. But those instances will be the exception, not the rule.

There is a piece of me that feels like I am letting my dedicated readers down but I hope everyone can understand. As for my condensed schedule, I plan to still publish a Sunday blog post each week. The Thursday Rundown might morph into something I do every other week. While the Rundown is an easy post for me to write, I don’t want each week to consist of a regular blog post and then just a Thursday Rundown blog post. I feel I owe more to my readers than that. So, with that said, I hope to offer at least two well-written, non-rundown posts per week. Yes, this means you might see a non-rundown formatted post on occasional Thursdays.

I appreciate all the support given to me by my readers over the years. I still look forward to your enthusiasm and feedback. Remember, this blog is not going anywhere – the posting frequency will just be tweaked a bit. Don’t Blink.

4 thoughts on “A Change for Don’t Blink

  1. Life changes and growth of ourselves and little ones require us to adjust I assume there will be more parental thoughts will appear perhaps Sloan needs her own blog

  2. So excited to read about all of Sloan’s adventures! It’s so fun to watch “kids” I’ve known for years graduate from college, build careers, get married and start their families. Congrats to you and Sidney!

  3. Pingback: Thursday Rundown Prior to Easter | Don't Blink

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