Thanks for the Birthday Love

After a birthday, 9 out of 10 times the person’s Facebook status will read something like this: “Thank you so much everyone for the birthday wishes. I feel very loved and I had a great day. I am so lucky!”

Well, after turning 27 years old today I feel the exact same way. Only difference is that I don’t have to write that short generic status on my Facebook wall because I have this coveted blog that allows me to elaborate on for thousands and thousands of words. But I won’t put you through that misery. I will, however, elaborate just a little.

Don’t worry, if you wrote on my wall I will still make sure to respond back to you personally. After all, I can’t go back on something that I make sure to do every single year. However, you will have to wait until tomorrow for me to drill those out. I like to start on that project once all of my Facebook birthday wishes come in and with three hours of October 8 left to go, there is still the chance that others might wish this aging blogger a big ol’ Feliz Cumpleanos.

But all joking and sarcasm aside, I want to genuinely say thank you to everyone who took the time to wish me a happy birthday today. Especially in this day and age with all the different mediums out there, birthdays are definitely a self-esteem booster, even if I can’t stand getting a year older. For all the birthday wishes through phone calls, texts, e-mails, Facebook posts, twitter mentions, Instagram mentions, Snap Chats, cards, and face-to-face conversation I do feel very valued and cared for. I know I say I am not a birthday person but I would be lying if I said that all the attention and love I get from people on this day didn’t make me very appreciative.

I spent today doing what I love: working for the Griz. I got to be around my awesome co-workers and our humble and amazing student-athletes. The birthday wishes I got from both groups throughout the day again reminded me of how lucky I am to work in a first class athletic department. I then got to celebrate my birthday with someone who owns October 8 much more than I do. Sylvia Jensen is the biggest Griz supporter you will find and she turned 80 years old today. She came into the office this morning and wished me a happy birthday but this evening I got to return the favor when we surprised her at Dickey’s BBQ. I can only hope to have as much energy, enthusiasm, and love for people that she has if I am ever lucky enough to reach that age.

Thanks again for all the love you gave me today. I am so lucky to have you all in my life and I thank God every single night for my infinite blessings. It is like the ultimate birthday gift that keeps giving each day. Don’t Blink.

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  1. Pingback: Celebrated by Family and Friends | Don't Blink

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