A thought came upon me yesterday for the first time. It occurred to me that I had now lived more of my life on my own than under the roof of my parents. Kind of a random thought, but it did give me pause. As is normal for many American children, I moved out at 18 to navigate this crazy world myself.
In the years that would follow, if I experienced either an accomplishment or pitfall of being an adult under my own roof, I would think back to the not-so-distant past and compare it to when I lived with my mom and dad. Well, it doesn’t really seem as appropriate to do that now.
Then this morning another related thought hit me. It won’t be too long until I have lived more of my life with no grandparents alive than with any of them still on this earth. My grandma (and last living grandparent) passed away when I was a 19-year-old college freshman.
Again, I don’t know why over the past 24 hours these thoughts have registered with me. But I guess I can glean two things from them. One, I am old. And two, as I continue to log more and more time of separation from eras and events, I hope I never forget about them.
No matter how much time passes, may I always pleasantly remember the comfort of living home and the kindness of my grandparents. Don’t Blink.