Alright, here we go again. Back by popular demand (I might be embellishing a bit) is the Thursday Rundown. I have five topics in my pocket that I am about to share so let’s get started…
Vin Scully – I just wanted to note the passing of legendary Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully. Not only was Scully the best of the best at what he did, but he was an incredible man away from the broadcasting booth as well. He was a devout Catholic who also happened to be a Knight of Columbus. Let me leave you with a quote from Scully’s final sign off: May God give you, for every storm, a rainbow; for every tear, a smile; for every care, a promise; and a blessing in each trial.

Pray for the repose of Vin Scully’s soul.
Fake Out – I have mentioned before that our cul-de-sac is very lively with many children for Sloan and Beau to play with. One household recently acquired a couple of electric-battery-powered cars. Of course, Sloan and Beau have naturally gravitated toward them. The cool thing is that the occupant can operate the cars themselves but they also come equipped with remotes that allow adults to control the vehicle movements as well. We let Beau get in the car pictured below and I filmed while Sid took him for a spin using the remote control. We sent the video to Beau’s grandparents and both sets couldn’t believe the driving skills that our 2-year-old possessed. We then clued them in that Sid was actually doing the maneuvering.

Beau and Sloan were having the time of their lives in this battery-powered car earlier this week.
National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day – Today is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day so I hope no one hates me too much for dunking on this vitally important observance, but here it goes: Bypass the step that requires you to use the oven and just enjoy the cookie dough! I am a firm believer that the dough will always be better than the cookies. I am actually outspoken on this issue. I have pitched a cookie dough café concept before and I have even went as far as to eat a container of raw cookie dough for dessert. Sorry if I just offended anyone.

Me standing with a cookie dough dessert that was delivered by HuHot many years ago.
Brent’s Weekly Netflix Recommendations – I have a couple of suggestions for your Netflix viewing pleasure. If you are looking to watch a movie with your sweetheart tomorrow night, give “Purple Hearts” a try. It is about an unlikely couple that enters into a fraudulent marriage to reap military benefits. Sid and I really enjoyed it and we think you will too. Another neat option to view is called “Street Food.” The series will take you to a different location each episode to showcase the best street food in cities like Los Angeles, New York, and New Orleans. The cuisine that is featured is unique, colorful, and mouth-watering delicious. All the chefs profiled have very intriguing backgrounds. Give it a chance and you will most likely watch the entire series.

We thought “Purple Hearts” was a good movie!
Spousal Humor – Let’s end the rundown with a common husband/wife conundrum. Typically it is Sidney who will suggest we order takeout on a night we planned to cook and I am the uncompromising hard ass who will push back. Which spouse are you?

Sidney will more often suggest takeout and I will pitch that we use whatever remaining ingredients we have in the panty to throw together something that resembles dinner.
That will wrap things up for this week. Sid and I will be taking the weekend to prepare for a big trip that will begin on Thursday of next week. But more on that down the road. Time to eat some cookie dough! Don’t Blink.