Contemplating Mortality

Today at Ash Wednesday mass, the familiar dictum was said as ashes were sprinkled on the foreheads of millions.

Remember you are dust and to dust you shall return.

This blunt reminder of our mortality and the fate of our earthly bodies resonated just a little bit more this year. With multiple untimely deaths of people I know in early 2022, I have naturally taken time to reflect on the reality that my number will be called one of these days—perhaps tomorrow, perhaps 50 years from now. When that time comes, will I be ready?

I plan to reflect more on my mortality throughout Lent, which is the perfect time to do so. I also hope to live in a way that will better prepare me to be ready, embracing the other refrain that is uttered with the sprinkling of ashes: Repent and believe in the Gospel.

Ashes remind us of our mortality. Lent is a perfect time to reflect on it.

It is easy to become depressed and scared about death. But as we journey through Lent and delve more into suffering and our impending demise, we must not lose track of what awaits us at the end of these 40 days. On Easter Sunday we will celebrate Christ’s resurrection and the ultimate victory over death. Yes, we all will die in our own earthly way but there is the promise of eternal life that will be given to those who prepare accordingly. Let’s make the most out of Lent 2022 while remembering to keep everyone impacted by war in our hearts. Don’t Blink.

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