Cheers to you! Thanks for returning to Don’t Blink for another Thursday Rundown. I once again have five random topics to share with you so let’s get going…
Kids’ Table – When I was young and we had big holiday dinners at my grandparents’ house, I would sometimes complain about being regulated to the kids’ table. My mom would then always say that she had a particularly long tenure at the kids’ table because she was the youngest child and that I needed to suck it up. Now when we have family dinners at my parents’ house, Sloan and Beau sit with my sister’s children at the kids’ table downstairs (no complaints from them). I don’t know who loves the arrangements more—the kids who like having their own table downstairs with the TV on or us adults who get to enjoy a peaceful meal upstairs.

Mikayla, Sloan, Johnny, and Beau hold court at the kids’ table at my parents’ house.
Back In My Crazy Days – Today is the four-year anniversary of when I did something pretty wild. We were at an oceanside South Carolina restaurant known for its seafood when I ordered a very non-seafood combination. For whatever reason, I ordered spaghetti with a side of mashed potatoes. The occasion for the meal was to celebrate January birthdays within Sid’s family and I think they were pretty puzzled by the unlikely duo on my plate. Would I order that combo again? No, probably not.

Yep, this was actually my plate four years ago on this date.
Bob Saget – I think learning of Bob Saget’s death made us all feel some type of way. It is just a little somber when a TV dad passes away. Going though my blog archives, I wasn’t particularly kind about Saget’s hosting chops on “America’s Home Videos” but to be honest I have just never liked the show itself so no host was going to endear himself to me. One thing that Bob Saget did well was that he crushed the social media game. His TikTok account was fire. But the below tweet he published after one of the 2020 presidential debates still cracks me up.

This Bob Saget tweet would make anybody who watched “Full House” and the 9/29/20 presidential debate laugh.
Mel Gibson Epics – Over the past week, thanks to Netflix, I have watched two Mel Gibson masterpieces. I started with “Braveheart” and finished with “The Patriot.” I had never watched “Braveheart” before and was a little surprised by the medieval warfare violence. However, I enjoyed watching a film that centered on the middle ages and that focused on a conflict I knew very little about. As for “The Patriot,” I saw it before but it had been so long that it was basically like watching a new movie for me. I love American colonial history and it was cool that the movie was set in South Carolina. But if I had to favor one film over the other, I would opt for “Braveheart” just because it was much more believable. The scene in “The Patriot” when Gibson’s character and his two young sons kill 20 British soldiers was full of action but was hard to see past its impossibility.

Both movies were good but “Braveheart” was better.
Finally Tried It – Back in 2019, I wrote about wanting to try the Starburst All Pink drink mix. It took me about 28 months but I finally got around to drinking a glass of it. I purchased the mix at Walgreens and then came home and immediately mixed the contents of one of the packages. No complaints from me, it was pretty refreshing. Also, it is extremely affordable. I spent $1 for the box that contains six packets. Worth a try.

I finally tried the Starburst All Pink mix and found it to be quite refreshing.
That will wrap up this latest Thursday Rundown. I hope you are starting to settle into your 2022 and that you have a nice weekend. Don’t Blink.