Is it true? Is April almost over? Greetings everyone, I hope you have had a good week so far. Let’s get started with the final Thursday Rundown of the month.
Batter Up! – Last night, the four of us hopped in the car and drove up north to watch Mikayla’s season opener for t-ball. The outing was meaningful because Sid and I were able to support our niece and our kids were able to cheer on their cousin. But it was also significant for the fact that last year playing ball on a nice spring evening wasn’t possible. It was refreshing to see that youth sports are back and young ones can once again have fun and learn valuable lessons about teamwork and competition.

It was such a pleasure to watch Mik play t-ball yesterday.
Another Fun Wal-Mart Ice Cream – Over the years I have kept tabs on the Great Value ice creams and lauded them for their taste and value. At Sloan’s request, we recently brought home a new flavor. What you see below is Unicorn Sparkle, a cake-flavored ice cream with a frosting swirl and candy pieces. The very colorful dessert is actually delicious, and that review isn’t just from Sloan. The frosting swirl, which is purple, is particularly yummy. As the weather starts to heat up, this is something you might consider trying, especially if you have children.

The Great Value Unicorn Sparkle Ice Cream is pretty good…and fun.
The Infamous Road Trip – This week I have been reliving the epic road trip I took with my dad seven years ago. He helped me move to Myrtle Beach as we drove from one side of the country to the other. It is a voyage that we both fondly look back on, especially when the anniversary comes around every late April. The hotels, restaurants, landmarks passed, and people encountered are all things we enthusiastically discuss even several years later. If you ever have the chance to drive across our nation, do it!

My dad and I had a GREAT road trip across the country.
Modified Mosquitoes – Yesterday while on the treadmill I noticed a story about a certain problem in the Florida Keys. The area is inundated with disease-spreading mosquitoes. The pests are spreading particularly nasty viruses like Zika and dengue fever. The solution? Florida is enlisting the help of a British biotech company to introduce genetically modified male mosquitoes to mate with the native female mosquitoes. When the mating takes place, the female mosquito is inflicted with a “death mechanism” that would prevent any resulting offspring from surviving, thus controlling the population. The company will strategically release the modified mosquitos in groups of 12,000 on a weekly basis over the next 12 weeks. I am interested to see the results!

Sidney and Sloan in the Florida Keys in June 2019. We did our best to stay away from the mosquitoes.
G-Rated Search History – Earlier this week I shared a comic that suggested not everyone might have a pristine browser search history. But the person behind the below meme seems to. Does this resonate with you? I think most of us would agree that these days Google is the best dictionary. Thanks for another gem, Lindsi!

Can you relate?
At the current moment I am watching my son eat dry Fruit Loops off the couch. So if you will excuse me, I think I am going to go join him. Have a nice weekend! Don’t Blink.