It was a classic family birthday celebration on Saturday afternoon. Sidney threw a Trolls-themed birthday party for Sloan a few days after her actual date of birth. In addition to the four of us, my parents and my sister’s family joined us.

A look at the birthday party set up at our house before guests arrived.
Any decent birthday party has delicious food. Despite the event taking place on Washington soil, we made South Carolina cuisine. Chicken bog and pulled pork highlighted the menu. Let me just say this: No one went home hungry.

Sloan’s birthday party food spread…chicken bog, cole slaw, pulled pork.
After dinner we took some time to let our stomachs settle. The adults watched the NCAA Tournament while the kids played with some of the gifts that Sloan received from Sid’s family.

Sloan and her cousins enjoying food at the birthday party.
It was then time for cake! The bakery at Fred Meyer made it for us and it turned out great. For about the 14th time since Wednesday, we sang “happy birthday” to Sloan. Sid then cut the cake and I assumed ice cream-scooping duty.

Sloan with her Trolls birthday cake. Thanks, Fred Meyer!
Next up was presents. We gathered in the living room and Sloan started to open her gifts. Luckily she had help from her cousins, Mik and Johnny, because (surprise, surprise) she was spoiled and had more than enough packages to open. Some of the highlights included an OMG doll, Lite-Brite set, and a Trolls necklace kit.

Sloan opening a gift with some help from her cousin, Mikayla.
The grand finale was next. We hauled out the Poppy piñata and set it up in our kitchen. Mind you, piñatas are a little different these days. Instead of whacking it with a bat, children take turns pulling strings that hang from the piñata. A “magic” string then rips open the bottom and the contents spill out. Sloan, Mik, and Johnny each took several rounds pulling strings until Mik found the lucky one that made it rain on our kitchen floor. All three children filled plastic bags with candy.

Pinata time!!
After the last piece of candy was picked from the floor it wasn’t like everyone bolted for the door. We all hung out and talked while the kids extended their sugar high initially induced by the cake and ice cream with their piñata candy. Sloan’s first birthday party in the Inland Northwest was a smashing success. Major props to Sid for organizing it and thanks to the people who attended. Sloan is a lucky and very happy 4-year-old. Don’t Blink.