After a week hiatus due to Thanksgiving, the Thursday Rundown is back. Thanks for returning to Don’t Blink and I hope you enjoy tonight’s five topics…
Favorite New Ornament – An ornament on our tree that I added this year is one I purchased right before I left South Carolina. At a certain tourist attraction in Myrtle Beach there is an all-year Christmas store that sells more ornaments than you can imagine. Knowing that our tree would be set up in an entirely different state on the other side of the country, I wanted to get something to honor the place that means so much to us. I think this sunbathing depiction of Santa does a good job of catching the essence of Myrtle Beach.

This is my favorite new ornament on our tree.
Photo of the Week – Sloan recently spent some time with grandma and papa…and Muffin. This photo was taken of the granddaughter and cat catching some zzz’s together.

How precious is this?
Donuts Donuts Donuts – There is no better place to share a photo of donuts than on a Thursday Rundown blog post. For the first time, I had the opportunity to try Hello Sugar. What makes Hello Sugar different from competitors is that it serves all mini donuts. Although you wouldn’t know it by looking at photos on Instagram, the product is definitely miniature-sized! Our family had a holiday photoshoot last weekend and our photographer, Alicia Hauff, gave us our first Hello Sugar dozen. Don’t they look pretty?

You wouldn’t know these Hello Sugar donuts were miniature-sized if I didn’t tell you.
Spokane Chick-fil-A Opens – Honestly, you would think these people had never seen a Chick-fil-A before. Wait, many of them haven’t. The Spokane Chick-fil-A opened on Tuesday and the drive-thru line stretched for two miles. In fact, traffic control personnel had to eventually create three different lines that sprawled the north Spokane streets to accommodate the hundreds of cars that showed up. For someone like my sister, who has never visited a Chick-fil-A restaurant before, the excitement of the chain’s arrival is real. Even for someone like me who ate way too many spicy chicken sandwiches during my time down South, I think the restaurant’s opening is pretty cool…and much anticipated.

The Spokane Chick-fil-A opening day line stretched out of the frame of this aerial shot by the Spokesman-Review.
She’s Back – For the second consecutive holiday season, Sallie has returned…much earlier this time around. Sloan’s “Elf on the Shelf” made her triumphant appearance on Tuesday (you can watch Sloan’s reaction) and has started her nightly reports to Santa. This morning Sallie had Sloan follow wrapping paper shreds to a special gift. I can only imagine the other adventures that will take place over the next three weeks.

This is where we found Sallie this morning. She left a note and a prize for Sloan.
Getting back into a routine can be tough after a holiday weekend. By now I hope you are up to speed just in time for a new weekend to arrive. Enjoy your Friday! Don’t Blink.