Well, this is something new. Although I once wrote a Saturday Rundown, I have never penned a Friday Rundown before. Because yesterday’s birthday post preempted my usual five-topic bonanza, I want to stay on the good side of my readers and still offer a rundown, even if it is a day late. I don’t like writing on Fridays so let’s get this over with…
Social Distance Trick-or-Treating – While taking the kids for a walk in my parents’ neighborhood last Saturday, I came across a home with this nifty contraption in its yard. There is no doubt that trick-or-treating will look different this year and there is already a lot of talk about what can be done to properly social distance. These homeowners definitely had a solution…a six-foot candy drop! The text in the bottom righthand corner of the board reads “Place your bag at the end of the chute for prewrapped candy.”

I came across this 6-foot candy drop in my parents’ neighborhood.
Birthday Gifts – I wanted to quickly highlight a couple birthday gifts I received yesterday. My sister and brother-in-law gave me a snazzy new Washington State University hat. I have worn my old one since high school and was in desperate need of a non-stained, vibrant version. My wife gave me this Hydrapeak water bottle. I specifically asked for it, and in the future I will explain why, but I have already filled it up a couple times today and love it.

I have already put my birthday gifts to use.
A Scare – Yesterday, my birthday got off to a great start. I couldn’t say the same a year ago. That morning, I left the gym feeling totally defeated. I had lost my wedding ring and my effort to cover every square inch of Iron Legacy Gym turned up fruitless. The sadness and shame I felt was intense. Luckily, I received an early birthday present when I found my ring on my car’s floorboard once I arrived home. You can relive my anxiety-ridden morning in 2019 by reading this blog post.

The studio at Iron Legacy Gym was one of the places I frantically searched for my ring.
Chick-fil-A Growth – While in north Spokane this past weekend, I drove by what will be the area’s first Chick-fil-A location. For someone who really came to understand the magic of Chick-fil-A while living in South Carolina, I am following the construction like a hawk. Another reason why I am obsessing over the progress is because I know how bad Spokane wants a Chick-fil-A and how it has had its heart broken before with false hope. Fortunately, I can report that the northside location is the real deal and that it will be serving spicy chicken sandwiches by December.

It is actually starting to look like a Chick-fil-A!
Laundry for Days – I had to rip off another meme from my friend’s Instagram Story for tonight’s rundown. Anyone else feel this way? I know Sid and I do, but it goes beyond just clothes—towels too! I can use the same shower towel for a week but the mountain continues to grow. Despite dirty clothes and towels that seem to grow exponentially, my wife keeps everything manageable because of her efficient laundry system that includes labeled hampers for whites, darks, and towels.

Does this meme resonate?
Not trying to be rude, but it is the weekend! Peace. Don’t Blink.