It is time to bust out the snow shovels because we are expecting 3-6 inches tomorrow afternoon. As I try to remember what it is like to live in a snowy climate I might as well take a stab at a Thursday Rundown as well. Prepare for these five topics…
Rummikub – My in-laws introduced me to the game of Rummikub over the weekend. It is a tile-based game that combines elements of rummy and mahjong. I enjoyed playing it because it provided a lot of opportunities to be creative when making your moves. Although luck is a big factor in winning, there is also plenty of strategy needed to keep things interesting. If you are looking for a new family game, I recommend Rummikub.

We played a lot of Rummikub when my in-laws were here. For those familiar with the game, this was my rack during one game. Sid couldn’t believe that I couldn’t lay down tiles for my initial move. Do you see anything that I could have done?
Sign – My wife is talented at many things, including sign-making. When her parents arrived last week, she had Sloan flash a sign she made the day before. From the slogan to the colors to penmanship, I give Sid an A+.

Sloan at the airport holding the sign that Sid made for her parents.
National Nut Day – Today we celebrate all the nuts in the world so I hope my brother enjoys his special day! No, no, no…not that type of nut…we are talking about the things that come in shells. I love nuts and will eat any type of mix that you put in front of me, but my favorite is the peanut. Shelled or unshelled, crunchy or boiled, topping or spread, I like it all. My favorite ballpark concession item? Peanuts. My favorite snack to enjoy with a beer? Peanuts. My favorite road trip staple? Peanuts. You get my drift? Happy National Nut Day.

While living in the South, I grew to love boiled peanuts just as much as I love crunchy peanuts
Zoom Cue – As someone who spends a fair amount of his day on Zoom, reading this tweet made me laugh. I could see a meeting nearing the top of the hour while someone is in the middle of their report and suddenly the wrap up music starts playing. Next thing you know the person presenting is stumbling through their words because they are talking so fast in an effort to finish. Zoom is supposedly coming out with major updates and new features but I don’t think a musical cue to finish up is part of it.

If implemented, this could be both funny and effective.
Stroll Down Memory Lane – How about we conclude this blog post not with wrap up music but a look into the Don’t Blink archives? Two years ago on this date, I wrote about a special birthday tradition offered by my early elementary teachers. On October 22, 2017, I wrote about our first experience with online grocery pickup. Three years later, we are still sold on its convenience. Finally, five years ago I wrote about multiple topics such as the costume I wore to a meeting, my experience at a Lee Brice concert, and Instagram’s introduction of Boomerang.

This was the gift bag I was given the first time I did online grocery pickup with Walmart
Thanks for swinging by tonight. I wish everyone a happy and safe weekend. Please continue to pray for positive developments in the fight against COVID-19. Don’t Blink.