We are in mid-July and that means it is prime summertime! Sure, things feel different this year but I hope you can still enjoy the sunshine while practicing social distancing. I hope you can also enjoy my latest Thursday Rundown…
Fun with Cardboard – One of Sloan’s greatest traits is her imagination. She can have fun in any situation simply by stipulating a scenario or coming up with a game. This past weekend, my dad cut up a huge cardboard box that held one of our mattresses. He took the pieces and laid them out across the front yard as a path. Sloan loved it and soon developed a game of “Lava Monster” where the grass was the lava, the cardboard pieces a shaky bridge, and her daddy the monster. It was good for about an hour of entertainment on a late Sunday morning.

A look at the cardboard path that my dad made for Sloan.
Resemblance? – This montage shows Beau and Sloan at the same age…around 5 months. At times I can see an obvious resemblance between the two but I don’t know if I see it in these images. What do you think?

Sometimes I can see a resemblance but not always.
Supermarket Sweep – Netflix has added some good movies to its repertoire this month. In the past few days, I have watched “Million Dollar Baby” and “The Firm.” But it might be the TV show the streaming service added that has me most excited. Last night, Sid and I sat down and watched a couple episodes of “Supermarket Sweep.” That’s right, you can watch the 1990s version of the game show with David Ruprecht on Netflix. It was about as glorious as I remember. Completely outdated with old products and older hairstyles, we had a lot of fun answering the questions (which I can now answer) and holding our breath during the “Bonus Sweep” when the duo would try to find the $5,000. Although I have tried to work on limiting my commentary during TV shows, I couldn’t help but give Sidney lengthy explanations about what my strategy would be for the “Big Sweep.” Sorry!

Supermarket Sweep is pure gold.
Dollar Store Energy Drink – Recently, I have used my Thursday Rundowns to review random energy drinks (here and here and here). I continue the trend tonight and I do it with a beverage that is a little off the beaten path. I purchased this Rip It energy drink at the Dollar Tree. How good could it be, right? Turns out not that bad! The flavor was live wild lime and didn’t taste like a low budget energy beverage. Best of all, it did the trick in a smooth and alert way. Don’t want to spend $3.49 for a name brand energy drink? Head to the Dollar Tree!

This Rip It energy drink was decent and very affordable!
Blue Crush – The latest soda to try on my checklist is this brand new blue raspberry Crush flavor. I have tried a similar Jones Soda flavor before but I think a blue raspberry carbonated beverage from a can would taste especially good on a hot summer day. I will keep everyone posted.

I would like to try this soda one of these days.
As always, thank you for reading. Let us continue to pray for a COVID-19 vaccine and for those who currently have the virus. Don’t Blink.