So you stumbled upon Don’t Blink again, huh? Well, welcome back! You picked a good day to do it because it is time for the Thursday Rundown. Let’s go…
Big Sister Books – In my blog post on Monday, I mentioned that we are trying to slowly help Sloan understand and become comfortable with the fact that she will soon be a big sister. One way we are trying to do this is by reading her subject-related books. We recently checked out the below stories from the library. They are a lot of fun to read and Sloan actually listens to them. We love story time and when the books can actually educate her on a situation she will soon face, it is all the better.

Here are the books we currently have checked out from the library.
Mt. Dew Mystery Flavor – Last week I tweeted about my desire to try a new “Voo-Dew” mystery flavor Mt. Dew. My good friend and co-worker Geoff saw the tweet and brought in a couple cans to work on Monday. Once lunch came around, we sat at my office table and tasted Voo-Dew for the first time. For a few minutes, we thoughtfully discussed what we thought it tasted like. Geoff noticed a sweet, almost candy-like, flavor. After taking a few more sips, I said I thought it tasted like creamsicle. Around this time, another one of our co-workers, Tad, just happened to be walking by my office. He popped his head in and mentioned that it is supposed to be a candy corn flavor as a lead up to Halloween. When it was all said and done, we agreed that it was fun to taste the new soda together and share our observations.

The Voo-Dew Mystery Flavor Mt. Dew taste test took place in my office during the Monday lunch hour.
Water in Road – Hurricane Dorian didn’t seriously impact our area in terms of storm destruction, but it sure did bring some heavy rain. The street right outside of our house flooded and the below image is what it looked like at 7 p.m. on Thursday. I was convinced that the water would still be there on Friday morning and that my father-in-law would have to take me to work (I was going to walk to the entrance of our neighborhood where he would pick me up). Luckily, the water had completely receded by 6 a.m. on Friday and I was able to report to the CCU EOC in my own vehicle.

When Hurricane Dorian impacts hit our area last Thursday, this is what the street in front of our house looked like.
Reflecting on our Evacuation – Hurricane Dorian was a breeze compared to Hurricane Florence. One year ago today, Sid, Sloan, and I packed up some belongings and evacuated to Florida. Florence was supposed to pulverize Myrtle Beach and we wanted no part of it. Before we left, I published this blog post laying out our insecurities. Our evacuation to Jacksonville turned out to be awesome. The three of us bonded and made trips to Disney World and the Jacksonville Zoo. When we finally returned to Myrtle Beach, our house had suffered no damage. It was almost a blessing in disguise.

Our evacuation included a trip to Disney World!
Birthday Cake Remix Cereal – Wait, Cold Stone makes cereal? I was as surprised as you! When we went to pick up hurricane snacks last week, I couldn’t help but grab a box of Cold Stone Birthday Cake Remix cereal. The idea was better than the reality. Let’s just say the odd-tasting birthday cake flavored pieces and chocolate marshmallows didn’t exactly jibe with one another. But that doesn’t mean it wasn’t edible. By the end of the weekend Sloan and I had finished the box.

A look at the Birthday Cake Remix cereal.
It has been a pleasure bombarding you once again with five random topics. Have a fabulous weekend filled with gorgeous mid-September weather. Don’t Blink.