I hope this Thursday evening finds you well. Your favorite blogger is making it through the January grind and loving life. Let’s get started with the third Thursday Rundown of 2019…
Candy Land – This past Saturday, we attended the birthday party of Sloan’s friend, Stevie Blair, who turned 2. Sloan’s eyes lit up when she walked into the party venue and it was a Candy Land theme! Everything from the cake to the photo booth to the gingerbread cutouts fit just like it came out of the game. Even cotton candy was served! But the best part, in my opinion, was the candy table. You could make your own party favor bag by filling it with an assortment of candy. The candy table was also Sloan’s favorite part (besides hanging out with Stevie Blair) but for a more specific reason – it was sucker heaven! She could choose from rock suckers, classic lollipops, or Dums Dums, the latter being presented in sucker bouquets. Thanks to Leslie and Brooks for hosting a great party!

We had a great time at Stevie Blair’s Candy Land-themed birthday party.
General Sloan Update – Her hair continues to grow and she seems to get a little taller by the day, but Sloan still has that unique and sassy personality. She likes to be in control, whether that be over her parents or her friends, but she also is very nurturing as well. No other baby cuts up the dance floor quite like her and she continues to impress us with her talking. She currently enjoys playing with her kitchen set and coloring books. Eating is hit or miss but she never misses an opportunity to feed her Elmo doll Goldfish crackers and fruit snacks. Highlight of the day is still when we pick her up at daycare and she sprints to us and jumps in our arms.

We sure enjoy watching Sloan grow.
Forgetting God – I read an article today that addressed a subject I had never thought about before. The story helped raise awareness of people suffering from dementia who “forget” about God. Although one’s faith and remembrance in the Holy Father is usually the last to go, and sometimes it never does, it can be very painful for family members to watch their loved ones forget about what they based their lives on. One example in the story told about a dementia sufferer who completely denied being a Christian despite being one her entire life.
Bizarre Visit – I went down a rabbit hole on Twitter and ended up going to a web page titled 25 Historical Photos From the Past That Will Probably Give you Nightmares. I have seen crazier stuff before, but below is the photo that stood out to me the most. Apparently Santa Claus and two creepily masked individuals decided to spread some “get well” cheer at the local hospital. I am skeptical of people who claim to have clown phobias, but if you were the kid in this photo I can understand your fear being completely legitimate.

What a fright this must have been for the poor patient!
Archives – I am no stranger when it comes to writing blog posts on January 17. A year ago on this date, I revealed the 10 fears of Sloan (some she still has, some she doesn’t). Two years ago, I reviewed my experience at a liquid nitrogen ice cream shop. Even though the product was good, I have not been back since that first time. Finally, on January 17, 2016, I wrote about cheering for my favorite NFL team in the living room of my wife’s family. What’s the big deal you ask? They were rooting for the team the Seahawks were playing!

It was a big thrill for me when the Seattle Seahawks won Super Bowl XLVIII.
Please have a nice Martin Luther King Jr. weekend and if you have an NFL team still in the playoffs, I wish you luck. Time to call it a night…I will catch up with all of you next week. Don’t Blink.