Yes, it is true. On Friday night, Sidney and I announced over social media that we are expecting. My wife deserves full credit for thinking up the creative method we used to share the good news. When we posted the announcement to Facebook, we were right in the middle of driving to Clemson with my in-laws (don’t worry, my father-in-law was driving so everyone was safe). For the rest of the trip we were humbled by the constant stream of congratulatory messages that came in. Thanks to all.

We posted this image to announce that we are expecting. All creative credit goes to my wife!!
Sid found out one morning in late July that she was pregnant. After the thrill sunk in, she surprised me with the good news in a very special way. Needless to say, my mind was racing euphorically the rest of the day at work. We both really wanted children but we had no idea we would be blessed with one so early into our marriage.
The past two months have been a lot of fun. Going to doctor appointments with Sid, brainstorming names, reading the progress of our baby’s development each week, breaking the news to our loved ones, and dreaming about when the time will come are just a few of the special moments we have enjoyed.
Of course there is the stress of hoping that everything runs smoothly for Sidney and our baby but I have learned that you just have to trust in God. So far everything has gone great and all signs point toward the delivery of a healthy new addition to our family around April 7, 2017.
We are so grateful for this blessing. The next several months will undoubtedly be an incredible journey. My brother-in-law, who has a couple of small children, told me that our lives are about to change forever but that it is well worth it. We can’t wait for that change to occur. Don’t Blink.
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