Trick-or-Treat. It is time for the Thursday Rundown…
Surprising My Parents – If you are my friend on Facebook, you might have seen a video I recently posted. Back in August, Sidney and I surprised my parents over Skype with the news that we are expecting. My brother filmed their reactions (my mom got excited, my dad cried) and I filmed Sidney and I telling them the news. Recently I created a video from that Skype conversation. You can click here to watch it.

I created a video of the reaction of my parents after Sidney and I told them we are expecting.
Celebrating October Birthdays – A year ago, I celebrated my first birthday with the extended Mathis family at their monthly birthday celebration lunch. I wrote about their neat tradition a year ago. This past weekend, I was honored again at the 2016 October get-together. I was spoiled and they even made my choice of main course for the meal…ribs! As I did for the September celebration, I created a geofilter for the occasion.

The photo on the left is of Sidney and I with the geofilter I created. The pumpkins below represent the people with October birthdays. The top right photo is of my sister-in-law and I. The bottom right hand photo is the four of us who celebrated October birthdays (Rhonda, me, Steph, and Dylan….photo cred to Carla).
Vine Shutting Down – Twitter announced today that Vine will cease to exist in the coming months. Talk about the end of an era. When Vine first came on the scene, I was really high on it. However, the service never recovered from the huge blow it suffered when Instagram introduced video. I still use Vine personally and professionally so I will be sad to see it go.

A screen capture from my first ever Vine I took back in 2013.
Wisdom of the Day – Every now and then I feature the daily advice I receive from my “Life’s Little Instructions” calendar. The bit of wisdom for today is definitely easier said than done. It is also kind of a no-brainer too; we all know that accomplishing something tough will always make us feel good. The key is to just have the motivation to tackle a challenging task and not give up while doing it.

This was today’s Life’s Little Instruction
From the Archives – One year ago today, I countered one of Sidney’s guest blog posts. She had recently written “25 Things You Didn’t Know About Sidney.” I responded with “Brent’s 25 Things You Didn’t Know About Sidney.” So, if you just started reading my blog less than a year ago, you can click on the two links I just shared and learn 50 things you didn’t know about Sidney!
For further October 27 reading, you can go back three years to 2013 and learn about the profession I used to view my life through. It is totally up to you of course.
Thank you for your time this evening. Have a terrific Halloween weekend and save some candy for me. Don’t Blink.