The only other place I would rather be today than Myrtle Beach is 170 miles northwest in Charlotte. The Seattle Seahawks will clash with the Carolina Panthers in a divisional playoff game inside Bank of American Stadium at 1:05 p.m. ET. Why did I let the minimal drive stop me from representing the 12th Man? Well, when you are fresh off booking your honeymoon you have to scale back a bit.

I am ready to cheer on the Seattle Seahawks today!
Last year, the Seahawks and Panthers also met in the divisional playoff round. Also, like last year, I once again find myself rooting for the wrong team based on my geographical location. In the blog post I wrote around this time 373 days ago, I detailed how I would be rooting for my beloved Hawks in a bar full of passionate Carolina fans. What could be more contrasting than that?! Oh man, let me tell you…
This afternoon I will be watching the Seahawks vs. Panthers game with Sidney’s family! Why did I put an exclamation point at the end of that previous sentence? Yes, you guessed it, they are Carolina fans.
Sidney’s family always entertains on Sundays and today they are centering the festivities around the big game. Because they are such great people I knew they wouldn’t shun me just because I am a Seahawks fan. However, I thought I may have pushed my luck when I dressed Sidney in a Seattle Seahawks shirt a few weeks back when we were in Spokane. My natural fan allegiance was one thing, but purchasing apparel of the rival team for one of their daughters to wear? In some family circles, that could ended wedding plans right there.

Some families would consider this crossing the line.
But of course the Mathis family isn’t like that. When I teased last night that I might have Sidney grace that exact same t-shirt she wore in Spokane for today’s game her mom replied back, “That’s okay. That is what makes it fun.”
Okay! So while I might be in the minority today in terms of my rooting interest, I will hardly be in hostile territory. It should be a fun afternoon. Don’t Blink.
…and Seattle is finally making it a game! You are indeed fortunate, as it is my experience the Mathis clan is both passionate and considerate. I think it is the genteel, southern bloodlines at work! My beloved Chiefs have forced me to root for….wait for it……….Carolina.
We had a good time watching the game! Mr. Sid cheered for Carolina the whole time and I rooted for the Hawks but we enjoyed each other’s company and had fun watching the game.