By this time it is tradition. Thursday has become my multi topic, totally random post day and that won’t change this evening. So without wasting anymore of your precious time let’s get right to tonight’s five topics.
Putt Putt Odyssey Continues: This week Sidney and I have tackled a couple more putt putt courses in Myrtle Beach. On Sunday early in the evening we battled the heat and played at Captain Hook’s Adventure Golf. The two of us played a very competitive round on the Peter Pan themed course but when we concluded the 18th hole I had secured a one stroke victory.
On Tuesday night we played under the lights at Shipwreck Adventure Golf. This was by far the toughest miniature golf course I had ever played on. Making the difficulty level seem a little harder was that play was backed up and it seemed like we had a crowd watching us each time we played our hole. However, I performed just a little bit better under the pressure and really infuriated Sid by defeating her for the third straight time on our putt putt tour.
#CCUSocialMedia T-Shirts: Last Thursday I picked up our brand new social media t-shirts. When I actually opened the boxes on Friday morning I took a look at the teal shirts with white print and was instantly pleased. Turns out the rest of Teal Nation felt the same way. I got Chauncey to model the shirt for us and when I posted the photos on our social media outlets our audience expressed their instant love for them. On the front the shirt has a three dimensional hashtag with “CCU” right in the middle of it and the words “Social Media” underneath. On the back it has our handle (@CCUChanticleers) up top and our classic athenaeum logo underneath. This week I have given the shirts away to people who participate in our social media contests and I have watched our engagement soar. Don’t you wish you had one?

Chauncey helps me out and models the t-shirts last Friday (left)……..I add a classy twist to the t-shirt as I passed out chap stick/pens to incoming freshmen today.
1,200+ Comments Later: Speaking of social media, yesterday I introduced a fun little promotion on our Facebook page that took off rather quickly. At 2:30 p.m. I took a photo of a stack of stickers on my desk. I then posted it on our CCU Facebook page and asked our audience to guess how many made up the stack. Immediately after posting it I went off to a meeting. When I returned about 45 minutes later I checked the page and saw that we had 537 responses! As I had set the end of the contest for 5 p.m. I had no idea how many responses we would receive in the next hour and forty-five minutes. When the deadline rolled around we had 1,262 guesses. Out of that large amount six people correctly guessed the number of stickers…210! All six were sent #CCUSocialMedia t-shirts this morning.
Premium Ice Cream for Cheap: I tweeted about this earlier during the week but I have a new favorite brand of ice cream that isn’t Ben & Jerry’s but just as good and super cheap! If you have never tried Breyer’s before you don’t know what you are missing. The ice cream itself tastes great and it is loaded with whatever it says on the carton (i.e. brownies, strawberries, Oreos, etc). Right now I have two flavors in my freezer, cookie dough and strawberry cheesecake. Both taste heavenly and do wonders to combat the southern heat. But the kicker is the price. You can purchase a carton at Wal-Mart for under $3! Most places you can’t even get a generic tub of vanilla for that amount. A pint of Ben and Jerry’s will run you over $5 at most places and of course it has half the amount of product that the Breyer’s carton has. I encourage you to try it!

Currently I have cartons of both Strawberry Cheesecake and Mrs. Fields Cookie Dough Breyers ice cream in my refrigerator.
Not Very Good Ice Cream for An Arm and a Leg: One year ago I wrote about my fascination with the ice cream man. Although the products offered and the prices demanded are ridiculous I was obsessed with the ice cream truck when I was growing up. Although to a much lesser degree these days, I still have a special place in my heart for a vehicle that plays music and sells popsicles. So it might come as little surprise that I have taken quick notice of the ice cream man around Myrtle Beach. Let’s just say things are a bit different down here than where I am from. The ice cream men in these parts ride motorized bikes with trailer freezers attached. For someone who has never seen it done quite that way before I definitely got a laugh out of it. Although my ice cream man purchasing days ended about 15 years ago I might need to flag down one of these dudes on a bike and pay the exorbitant price for a fudgesicle…it will just make me feel that much more intertwined with the southern culture.
Summer officially begins this weekend with Saturday marking the longest day of the year. Sidney and I have a little getaway planned to mark the changing of the seasons so if I don’t write tomorrow or Saturday you can expect to hear the details of where we went on Sunday night. As always, thank you for your readership. Don’t Blink.
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