Wrapping Up 2011, Looking Forward to 2012

First off I would like to say Happy Holidays to all of my readers. Once again I have gone a couple weeks without posting and I apologize for that. There is good reason for this though. My Las Vegas trip, Christmas, and a very busy work schedule all have kept me away from the computer. But I do promise that as the new year starts I will finally have more time to blog. In fact, there are several topics/events that I will be sharing with you once 2012 kicks off. So please, continue to check my Twitter and Facebook for new post announcements or just visit the URL of this site directly.
Before I talk about my personal 2011, I just want to note that it seems that this year was harsh on a lot of people. Just from the people I am close with and from the numerous Twitter and Facebook posts I have seen lately, 2011 was tough. I hate to see this and I feel bad for everyone who had a not so glamorous year. For the people who I know who hit rock bottom this year, take comfort in the fact that things can only get better. The new year is the absolute epitome of a fresh start and it really is the time to let go of the past year and look forward to getting back to where you want to be. For the sake of these people, I too am glad to see 2011 pass away.
I will say that 2011 was a solid and fun year for me. I can’t go too overboard and say that it was a breakout year or even a great year but it was consistent and a blast. Yes, 2011 was definitely a good year and if 2012 is exactly the same I won’t complain, although I always like to improve.
Stressing the positives though, I traveled to a lot of cool places and met a lot of awesome people. I pretty much decided to take a break from saving so much and instead made the call to use my income to have fun…and have fun I did. I visited Orlando, Pittsburgh, Phoenix, Las Vegas (TWICE), Seattle, and Los Angeles on trips that were planned solely on fun. I saw some great concerts and some great professional sporting events. I did what I wanted when I wanted to do it. I also made a lot of new friends this year. Whether it was out of state, in state, out of Missoula, in Missoula, in the workplace, out of the workplace, or wherever, I added a great deal of new contacts to my phone. My new friends of 2011 definitely make up a diverse bunch as all different types of ages, races, backgrounds, creeds, area codes, and sexual orientations were represented.
Professionally, I concluded my role as Assistant Marketing Director and took a step up and became Director of New Media for Grizzly Athletics on July 1. I have loved every minute of my new job. Gaining a lot of new duties that deal specifically with my major interests while also retaining a few of my previous duties, I feel like I have the perfect job. Each day I get to connect virally with 90,000 fans of Griz Nation while also working on a website that is on par with the biggest/most elite athletic programs in the NCAA. I get to interact with more co-workers and athletes in the department because my position is now much more far-reaching than my previous one (everyone has website needs). I continue to have a blast working with Christie in gameday operations. We had a great 2011 football season and basketball concluded well at the beginning of the year and the 2011-12 has also gotten off to a great start.
I want 2012 to be an outstanding year personally and professionally. I want to take better care of myself physically. I want to eat right for all 365 days and start to get a little more rest. I sometimes worry my family with my lifestyle and I thought they were always just overreacting until a certain event late this year grabbed my attention and told me that they might be on to something. In another realm of my personal life, I definitely don’t want to say that I am focused on finding that special someone in 2012 but I do want to just continue dating and if that diamond in the rough surfaces, I will not be afraid to pursue it. I want to travel more this next year too! I don’t have any trips lined up at the moment but I do have Delta credit. I want to see more sporting venues and see what others are doing. I also want to develop this blog more. I know I make excuses about being busy a lot but I know I can put forth a better effort to get meaningful content up on this platform more consistently. Watch for it.
Professionally I want to continue to develop social media within Grizzly Athletics and do all I can to continue bringing people to our website, www.gogriz.com . I want to keep things fresh and do the best with the job I have (some people will say it is not even a job, that’s how awesome it is). I also have to keep my eyes open for the next stage in my life. Opportunities are out there, it is just the part of choosing the right one…..and then there is that small detail of actually getting the desired position. No matter what happens, I know I am in a win-win situation and I can’t complain about that.
I want to wish everyone a happy and safe New Year’s Eve. I am excited for the night and the big celebration. When the clock strikes midnight this evening, have the attitude that this is going to be the absolute best year of your life.  Remember, so much of our success depends on how we think and how we view ourselves. I do firmly believe that we are capable of almost anything we put our minds to. Plan big in ’12 and have a great year. Don’t Blink.

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