When Sidney, the kids, and I met with the McCormicks two weeks ago, our visit with our spiritual mentors went very similar to our previous reunions since our departure from Myrtle Beach. We caught up on each other’s recent events, discussed how God is working in our lives, and reported on our families.
I then pivoted to the next piece of routine business that I always ask about one particular St. Andrew parishioner: “Hey Tim, how is John Kost doing?”
Throughout my nearly six years attending St. Andrew Catholic Church in Myrtle Beach, SC, John Kost was a man I observed carry out God’s mission every day. He was an impactful lector, fierce defender of the unborn, and active Knight—just to name a few. Always sitting up front in the church with his dear wife, John was the epitome of a good and faithful servant.
This morning I learned that John had passed away.
During that Sunday with the McCormicks, Tim told me that John was still doing decent. Just like Tim is a mentor to me, John was a mentor to Tim. The two would meet together on a regular basis over many, many years. But we all know that when you are in your 90s, things can change quickly.
I had the blessing of getting to know John through the Knights of Columbus. He was one of many brother Knights who welcomed me so warmly when I joined the council in July 2018. During our meetings I would always look forward to when John would deliver his pro-life update. He would stand up and passionately describe the activities currently undertaken by the Grand Strand Citizens for Life on behalf of the unborn and how our council could help. He was always animated, genuine, and so well-respected.
My favorite memory of John was when we were paired together for one of our council’s Tootsie Roll drives. The two of us were stationed outside the Myrtle Beach Sam’s Club on a hot and humid day. John was just a couple months shy of his 90th birthday but the extreme temperatures and long stretches of standing didn’t faze him. As one of the oldest council members worked with one of the youngest council members, my youth held no advantage over John’s charm and sincerity. People who talked to John were contributing more money than the people who talked to me. He was a true pro.
But of course that afternoon was more than just an opportunity for me to learn how to effectively ask for money. I also had the pleasure of speaking with John for a good bit of time. Just like he was when he spoke to audiences, Mr. Kost was kind and positive. I learned a lot about him, including his service to our country. John served in the Air Force and was delighted when I told him that I was originally from Spokane because he was stationed for a period at Fairchild Air Force Base, which is just right outside the city.
What a gift it was to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with John that day!

I had the pleasure of volunteering with John Kost during a Tootsie Roll drive in 2019 and snapped this photo. He will be missed.
The last time I spoke with John at length was Feb. 27, 2020—the day that Beau was baptized and Sidney was welcomed into the Catholic Church. Can you guess where John was the morning of the ceremony? Yep, in a St. Andrew pew. It meant the world that he showed up to support my family on such a special day.
Later on that evening I was at the Carolina Roadhouse restaurant in Myrtle Beach eating dinner with my wife, children, mom, and sister. My phone started ringing from a phone number I didn’t recognize. Something told me to answer the call. It was John Kost. He called to apologize for leaving immediately after the ceremony as he had an obligation to attend. Of course it didn’t make one difference to me that he left when he did, I was just over the moon that he was there. But then he spent a couple moments reflecting on what a beautiful ceremony it was and how happy he was to be there. John sure had a way of making others feel good.
John was an amazing man who did so much for everyone—born and unborn. May eternal rest be grant upon John, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. Don’t Blink.
What a beautiful tribute, Brent. It is such a Divine blessing when God purposely crosses paths for us with others who will impact our lives for decades, when we only enjoyed a “brief moment” with them. Stay yourself, but ‘go be John Kost’ as best you can.