That day of the week has arrived when I rant about five random topics—most of which are of no interest to you. But perhaps tonight something will strike a chord so let’s get started…
Best Modern Christmas Song – If you asked me to name my favorite modern Christmas song (past five years), I wouldn’t hesitate. “It’s Christmas Time” by Macklemore is simply superb. The lyrics are so much fun and the entire vibe of the song will put you right in the Christmas spirit. But for as good as the song is, you MUST watch the Christmas video. It is filled with nostalgia and the goofiness of Macklemore. You have my permission to quickly duck out of this Thursday Rundown and watch the video by clicking here. You can then message me and tell me how great it is (and if you don’t laugh out loud during the “Toby” verse you have no sense of humor).

Beau watching “It’s Christmas Time” by Macklemore
Blue Zoo – On Tuesday night, we had the pleasure of celebrating the 7th birthday of Sloan’s good friend, Aminah. She had her party at Blue Zoo, which is, despite what the name says, more of an aquarium than a zoo. Nonetheless, it is a cool place where the kids had the opportunity to feed stingrays, watch sharks, observe birds, play on a pirate ship, and a lot more. Sloan’s favorite part was the manicure fish pool where the little “tickle fish” would latch onto her hand and deliver a pleasant sensation. Today is Aminah’s actual birthday so I hope she is enjoying herself!

Blue Zoo was fun. Happy Birthday, Aminah!
Tillamook Ice Cream – This purchase was an impulse buy. Tillamook ice cream was on sale at Safeway and the holiday sugar cookie flavor sounded so good and delicious! Unfortunately, I don’t think I have ever been more disappointed with an ice cream. The ice cream itself lacked serious flavor and the cookie dough/sugar pieces are minuscule. Even if this dessert is on sale, I would highly recommend that you pass.

The Tillamook holiday sugar cookie ice cream wasn’t very good.
The Absurd – In a Thursday Rundown on this date from six years ago, I wrote about a ridiculous notion proposed by a Dear Abby reader. This person said that parents should go to great lengths to plan having children during dates that wouldn’t conflict with the holidays. It would avoid the awkward conundrum of a child celebrating a birthday close to Christmas and the logistical gift headache that would ensue each year. Excuse me, but who thinks like that? If you check out this 2017 Thursday Rundown I am referencing, you can also read about an ice cream donut sandwich and see Sloan at 39 weeks old.
The Not Absurd – I watched an encouraging news story on the treadmill yesterday morning. It detailed a study that said Gen Z and millennials are visiting physical libraries more frequently than older generations. This likely comes as a surprise to many of us who just assume that Gen Z considers a smart phone as the only library they need. But I think we underestimate Gen Zers and this latest finding makes me happy. Parents, take your children to the library as often as possible!

Act like a Gen Z person and take your children to the library often.
Thanks for your readership, friends. Best of luck to the University of Montana as the Grizzlies host North Dakota State in the semifinal round of the FCS Playoffs on Saturday. Don’t Blink.