For the past several days, our state has been home to the best weather in the nation as we have enjoyed sunny skies and humidity-free 80-degree temperatures. We have basked in these pleasant conditions while areas like Washington D.C., New York, and even Los Angeles deal with cool weather and rain. Okay, enough of the weatherman act, let’s get to tonight’s five topics…
Softball Update – Sloan is now exactly halfway through her t-ball season. To commemorate her first five games, I made this “highlight reel” video. I am pleased with Sloan’s hitting and team spirit but I really need to teach her how to throw. The first major test Sloan will have once the second half of the season begins? Snacks! We are responsible for the end-of-game refreshments on Monday. Last t-ball season (and coincidentally enough a year ago on this date) I wrote about this important and highly scrutinized task.

Sloan after her t-ball game last night.
Kentucky Derby – These days I don’t care too much about the Kentucky Derby but I was sure singing a different tune when I lived in the South. When Myrtle Beach was still home, my boss (who is now just my meme bestie—Lindsi) would throw epic Kentucky Derby parties. Prior to coming to Coastal Carolina University, Lindsi worked at Churchill Downs and knew a thing or two about how to do the Derby right. Sidney and I had a lot of fun dressing up for the parties and drinking mint juleps. The photo below was taken exactly four years ago. Hope everyone enjoys the race this weekend!

Sidney and I at Lindsi’s Kentucky Derby Party on May 4, 2019.
Omelette Guy – I have become pretty proficient at making omelettes. I had to master the art of getting the eggs to cook just perfectly before executing the tricky flip but I am getting quite good at it. As someone who has naturally low protein levels, the best way for me to address it is by making a three-egg omelette stuffed with various meats. Let me make you one!

I cooked up this omelette last Friday.
Cereal Straws – The other day we found these Froot Loops Cereal Straws at the store. Because Beau had a good day, I allowed us to get them. The idea is to use one of the straws to drink your cereal bowl milk. However, Beau used them to simply drink milk out of a glass. As someone like me who will usually try anything, you can probably guess my thoughts on the straws by my decision to stay as far away as possible from them.

Although Beau seemed to enjoy the Froot Loop straws, I stayed away.
30-Year Mustache – I am surprised that during the six years I lived in South Carolina, this guy’s mustache never reached out and touched me. Paul Slosar of Summerville holds the Guinness World Record for longest mustache on a living person. He has been growing it for 30 years as it now measures 2 ft 1 in. Good for Paul, but this is definitely not something that I would ever want to aspire to. But if I did have to grow something for 30 years, I think I would opt for the mustache over something like…ummm…fingernails? I remember as a child looking at Guinness World Record books and seeing a guy from India with fingernails measuring over 30 feet that took all sorts of twists and turns. So ridiculous!

Paul Slosar has a pretty long mustache (photo courtesy of Guinness).
A big weekend is coming up for me so I should probably wrap things up. Got to focus for Bloomsday this Sunday. Hopefully by the time I touch base early next week I won’t be too sore. Don’t Blink.