Hello May!

As we mark May 1, I am so excited and optimistic about this month. I think when the previous month ends on such a good note, like April did for us, it makes the ensuing one even more desirable. After a final April weekend filled with sunshine, friends, and relaxation, there is plenty of momentum as we usher in the fifth month of the year.

For me, the month of May is an enigma. It is the second phase of that famous expression (April showers brings May flowers) but it isn’t quite summer. School is still in session but hints are apparent that the end of classes are near. Mornings are cool but daylight extends past 8 p.m. Some days require a jacket, some days don’t.

Sloan and Beau eating Happy Meals at Eastgate Lions Park in Walla Walla in May of 2021.

I think it is safe to say that this month is a tune up for summer. In fact, the first four weeks will actually lead us to May’s epic encore and the official start of summer…Memorial Day weekend. Now if that isn’t something to look forward to I don’t know what is.

But May isn’t simply an opening act or a prelude to the June-July-August trifecta. In my opinion, May is pretty swell as a standalone month. Cinco De Mayo, Kentucky Derby, Bloomsday, WSU graduation, the Spokane Lilac Parade, and the aforementioned Memorial Day all make the next 31 days special.

With all that fun about to take place, it is important to denote that it is merely a backdrop for what May is about—women. On May 14 we celebrate Mother’s Day, a holiday that seems way too significant to confine to one day. Thankfully, we take the entire month of May to pay special devotion to our Blessed Virgin Mary. It might come as no surprise to you that the parish we attend, St. Mary, places special emphasis on this month of dedication to our Lady. On May 9, Sloan’s school will hold a special crowning of Mary.

My mom, Sidney, and my sister pose for a photo during our 2022 Mother’s Day celebration.

My major goal for May is to savor each day. Like I said, this month can be overlooked as merely a tune up for summer. This year, we could almost classify it as just a tune up for June as next month will be a mammoth one for the Resers. But I am doing my best to live in the moment and savor this beautiful month as much as possible. I hope you will too. Don’t Blink.

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