Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Valentine’s Day! It has been an exciting day at our house. Sloan and Beau woke up to small Valentine treat bags and fresh cinnamon rolls. They then went off to their respective school/daycare for parties and fun.

The treat bags Sid prepared for Sloan and Beau.

I hope our children savored today, even though they both have probably no idea what that means. You see, they are at peak ages for genuinely enjoying Valentine’s Day. At least for Sloan, sadly, it will probably be only a few years until she is exposed to heavy doses of Valentine’s Day cynicism. Some time ago, it became cool to hate today’s holiday and view those who appreciate it with scorn. Although I understand the natural feelings of sadness and envy that today brings to many, I view the detestation campaigns that some launch as a little over-the-top.

Beau and Sloan all dressed for Valentine’s Day.

But enough negativity because today is a good day. Since Sloan has started attending Valentine’s class parties, I have been amazed at the creativity that kids (and their parents) possess when it comes to creating Valentine’s Day treats. The thoughtful Valentines continued this year and extended to Beau’s class as well.

Beau holding his Valentine treat bag after he returned from daycare.

Speaking of creative parents, scope out the Valentine receptacle that Sid made for Sloan. She constructed this thing last night and it worked like a charm for Sloan during her party.

Sloan holding the Valentine box that her mom helped her make.

Of course we couldn’t celebrate this holiday without recognizing who it is named for. At the breakfast table today, Sloan told me everything I could possibly want to know about St. Valentine. The patron saint of love, St. Valentine married Christian couples at a time when a war general prohibited it because he thought marriage made soldiers weak. He was imprisoned and after being mocked for his faith by the jailer and challenged to heal the jailer’s blind daughter, Valentine did just that. Despite the miracle, St. Valentine would later be martyred.

Sloan learned a lot about St. Valentine at school. She also colored a picture of him. St. Valentine, pray for us! (she won the wings playing Bingo at her class party).

Hope everyone had a good day with at least a little sugar. If you do know someone who could use a little encouragement on this day, you still have time to call or text them. St. Valentine, pray for us! Don’t Blink.

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