Mac Daddy Thursday Rundown

Greetings from Vancouver! I write this Thursday Rundown from my Heathman Lodge hotel room. Let’s jump right into tonight’s five topics…

Whitworth Football – Sloan is either a Coug, Chanticleer, or a Griz before anything else. But this past Saturday she was a Pirate for a few hours…even if she took a picture with a parrot? I took Sloan and Beau to the Whitworth University football game this past Saturday and we had a wonderful time on a sun-soaked October afternoon. After a similar positive experience a year ago, I knew I wanted to spend a portion of my birthday watching some Division III football. Although the Whitworth Pirates came up short against powerhouse Linfield College, we had a good time.

Sloan with the Whitworth mascot at the football game this past Saturday.

Mac Daddy’s – How could a macaroni and cheese fanatic like myself go wrong with a restaurant that specializes in the dish? Well, I couldn’t, obviously. We ate at Mac Daddy’s in north Spokane on Friday night and the food was incredible. I ordered the buffalo chicken mac and savored every spicy, rich, and cheesy bite. The chicken, wing sauce, and blue cheese elements combined to make a truly unique and delicious dish. When I return again, I think I want to give the Cougar Gold mac and cheese a try but I would definitely order the buffalo chicken mac again.

This buffalo chicken mac and cheese from Mac Daddy’s was some of the best I ever had.

Reminds Me of Childhood – I took a photo of the below Dennis the Menace comic strip and immediately tweeted it. I just couldn’t resist—it resonated hard with my childhood. We would always bring candy into the movie theater back in the day. My parents would take us to a gas station or grocery store and we would buy candy for the show. The fun part was then smuggling it in. Sure, we had a little bit of envy as we passed the candy that rested under the glass but at least we had candy in the first place.

This was our family growing up 😂

Camino Winds – In high school I read most of John Grisham’s law novels. I recently re-discovered his work but his genre no longer focuses solely on lawyers, juries, briefs, petitions, and judges. I read “Camino Winds” which was an awesome tale about a murder that takes place during a hurricane and its connection to a major Medicare scheme. Not only were the characters and plot superb, but the writing itself was top-notch. After reading a lot of different authors this year, Grisham’s writing stood out dramatically. It was a joy to read.

I finished reading “Camino Winds” on Tuesday. Super enjoyable book.

Supportive Wife – After I entered my hotel room yesterday, I opened up my luggage to find a sweet note from Sid. Little things like that sure make a guy feel loved. So thankful for my wife!

Sid secretly put this note in my luggage.


Back to Spokane tomorrow and then it is off to Missoula on Saturday morning. With that said, it is time for this trailblazer to sign off and enjoy his final hours in Vancouver. Don’t Blink.

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