When you marry and have children, you naturally and rightfully reserve your Mother’s Day social media posts for your wife. The only conundrum with this is that the opportunity to recognize your own mom falls to the wayside. Thank goodness for birthdays.

My mom and I dancing at my wedding in 2016. Today I would like to wish her a happy birthday.
Tonight I would like to warmly wish my mom a happy birthday. She turned 65 years old today, which corresponds roughly to the 65,000,000 acts of kindness, selflessness, and service she has done for others over the course of her life.

They don’t come much better than my mom.
I don’t think it is too much of a stretch to say that my mom does as much for me as a 35-year-old as she did for me when I was a 5-year-old. In fact, it might be more. You see, 30 years later, she doesn’t just watch over me but she watches over the other three members of my family too.

My mom isn’t just supportive of me. She is an extremely supportive mother-in-law and grandma.
She is Sid’s second mother, Sloan’s baking assistant, and Beau’s hero. Most of all, she is my example of what it means to put others first. There is simply no one else in my life who gives as selflessly and endlessly as my mom.

My mom does so much for her grandchildren and they all love her so much.
So on this second day of August in 2022, I want to encourage my mom to take the time for herself that she so justly deserves. Our family is so appreciative of you. Don’t Blink.