Welcome back! I am so happy that you decided to join me tonight for another Thursday Rundown. Let’s begin with our five topics…
Dressed Up Beau – Our son has a knack for throwing on random clothes and accessories. When I looked up from my computer the other day this is what I saw. Believe it or not, I used to do the same thing when I was his age.

Beau threw on a helmet and his mom’s sunglasses the other day.
Welcome Home Message – When I returned home from Pullman on Tuesday night, I had a nice chalk message waiting for me on the driveway. It was a simple but sweet gesture and Sloan was so excited to tell me that she helped in its creation when I walked inside. The little things.

I came home to this on Tuesday night.
Loose Tooth Drama – Earlier this week I read “Llama Llama Loose Tooth Drama” to the kids. It took everything inside of me to get through it. You see, I get queasy pretty easily and loose teeth are just one thing that will give me an unpleasant feeling. Even before we were married, Sidney and I made an agreement that she would handle all the teeth pulling of our future kids.

“Llama Llama Loose Tooth Drama” reminded me that I am not looking forward to when Sloan starts losing her teeth.
Eerie – A story that caught my eye yesterday surrounded a plane that never left the runway in Israel because of some photos that circulated among the passengers. As the aircraft was taxiing for takeoff to Turkey, many people accepted an AirDrop request and when the images popped up on their devices panic ensued. The photos depicted various plane crashes from over the years. Passengers alerted the flight attendants who notified the captain who made the decision to turn back. After extensive security checks and bag checks, nine people on the plane were arrested for supposedly circulating the images. I am really curious for more information to come out and learn why these fearmongers, who were all around 18 years old, would do such a thing.

This was one of the images that was circulated among the passengers.
Special Photo – When my dad did a Google search for some of the 1970s Walla Walla High School football teams he played on, a picture popped up that at first glance seemed to miss the mark. He landed on a site that contained several photos from a 1970 Whitman College (a small private college in Walla Walla) football game. But when he glanced at the first photo in the group, he saw something pretty crazy. The image was a crowd shot and in plain view was my 13-year-old dad sitting in the stands! To his left is my grandpa and to his immediate right is my Uncle Dick. Next to my uncle is my Aunt Debbie and next to her is my Aunt Patty. The photo quality is quite good and not many pictures exist with my dad’s father and the kids. The coincidence of finding this picture while looking for something else is pretty spectacular.

My dad discovered this Whitman College football photo while looking for something entirely different. I have added an arrow pointing at my dad.
That’s what I got for you tonight. Thanks for your support of my blog and I wish you a fantastic weekend. Don’t Blink.