If the terrible twos start today, what the heck were the past 365 days?

Beau can be a little challenging at times but we sure love him!
Of course I say that with the utmost endearment. Beau turns 2 today and it officially ends a year where we experienced firsthand the difference between girl 1-year-olds and boy 1-year-olds. Sloan didn’t keep us on the run half as much as Beau did. Needless to say, Sid and I have a pretty good suspicion that Beau as a 2-year-old is also going to be a much more “involved” experience than Sloan as a 2-year-old.

This kid always has a smile on his face.
And we can’t wait. Although I joke about the patience and stamina it takes to parent Beau, it makes him who he is. He is our little man who won’t stay still but will throw food. The crazy boy who will push limits and pull hair. The buddy boy who will refuse naps but accept any chance to drive his sister bonkers.

It is such a privilege to be Beau’s dad.
But he is also the sweet little guy who will give hugs and kisses. The angel in disguise who will say sorry while making a circular motion on his chest. The mama’s boy who will shriek “Mommy!” and run to Sid when she enters the room.

This might be my favorite photo of Beau from the past year. His sister was taking her first day of school photos on the porch so he went over and sat down and demanded that one be taken of him as well.
It has been special to watch Beau’s personality develop throughout the year. He has a mischievous side and an affectionate side. He is outgoing yet sensitive. His social prowess matched with an early onset of FOMO causes him to follow his sister and cousins everywhere while attempting to do everything that they do.

Can’t wait to watch you thrive as a 2-year-old, Beau!
We are challenging Beau as a 2-year-old to keep out of the damn emergency room (he made multiple trips as a 1-year-old). We also want to see him continue to develop his speech and learn how to practice diplomacy with his sister. But what we want to see most of all is absolutely no change whatsoever in his loving and carefree spirit. We are so blessed to have Beau and we look forward to witnessing the many strides that will be made between now and when he turns 3. Happy birthday, Beau Bear. Don’t Blink.
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