It was a somewhat return to normalcy today. I started a regular work week after what seemed like eternity. Well, okay, at least a few weeks. My brother’s wedding weekend was the July 4 holiday. I took off Friday, July 2, and then the government gave us Monday, July 5. I worked those next four days and then something crazy happened…
Sidney and I went on vacation. Just the two of us.

Sidney and I at our first dinner while on vacation.
Thanks to my parents, we were able to travel to Las Vegas from Sunday, July 11 through Thursday, July 15. We returned to Spokane that night and then I worked this past Friday. Then it was the weekend. Yes, that equates to a 1-day work week…quite the concept, right?
This past weekend was spent recuperating to a degree. But we were still able to fit in a Chuck E. Cheese trip, a picnic lunch at the park, and the birthday party of my nephew. And then Monday hit today.

My nephew turned 4 this weekend and my sister threw a dino-mite birthday party for him!
Hopefully you didn’t forget about me during my time away. If not, I look forward to relating some of the experiences from the past 10 days or so. Crossing my fingers that your week is off to a great start! Don’t Blink.
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