We are on the heels of some big things: Halloween, a new month, and the election! Hope this busy time finds you well and motivated. I am pleased to present my latest Thursday Rundown…
Vote – Speaking of the election, I exercised my civic duty and voted on Tuesday night. The vote-by-mail system in the state of Washington is a far cry from the South Carolina experience I had in 2016. But whether you are dropping an envelope in an outdoor ballot drop box or going behind the curtain at an elementary school, the method doesn’t matter as long as you do the deed. Never take for granted the right we have in this country to vote.

I dropped off my ballot on Tuesday night at the ballot drop box at the Spokane Valley Library.
Pumpkin Tradition – On Sunday, my dad came over to our house to carve a pumpkin with Sloan. Considering he had traveled to South Carolina the three previous years to do the same, I don’t think he minded the 30-minute drive this time around. For every Halloween Sloan has been around for, her papa has carved her pumpkin for her…I think that is pretty cool.

For every Halloween that Sloan has been alive, my dad has carved a pumpkin with her.
Halloween Traditions – Spooky music. Photo ops. Pillow case trick-or-treat bags. Trading candy. Putting our treats in Tupperware. These were all Halloween traditions in the Reser household when I was a kid. I absolutely loved the holiday and have many fond memories of very fun nights. Four years ago, I wrote about these traditions in detail if you are interested.

That one year I dressed up as a construction worker.
National Cat Day – Today we are supposed to pay homage to our friendly felines. Although you won’t see me going out of my way to visit the pet store, this is a good time for me to reaffirm that I am a cat guy. I admire cats for their intelligence, self-dependency, tenderness, and cleanliness. I had some great cats as pets growing up and if I ever walk into someone’s house and they happen to have one it warms my heart.

Me with Nabisco. We got her at the pet store when I was probably 10 years old and she lived a nice, long life
Scary Halloween – Sorry to keep taking jabs at 2020 but I know a lot of people who feel this way. Kudos to Instagram user @teacherman91 for the creative Halloween decoration.

I know a lot of people feel this way about this year.
Enjoy your Halloween weekend. Be safe and remember that the holiday is about the kids. As always, thanks for reading and continue to pray for advancements in the fight against COVID-19. Don’t Blink.