I think when it is all said and done, I will have to write a blog post summarizing February 2020. It has been a major month in our lives and, if you can believe it, a few significant moments still await before March begins on Sunday.
But until the second half of the week arrives, we are trying to catch our breath.
Between wrapping things up at #CCU, Beau’s birth, his stint in the NICU, and our first week at home as a family of four, it has been a crazy few weeks in the Reser household.

Things are going to slow down a bit over the next 48 hours.
With Beau doing well and Sloan adjusting seamlessly to her little brother, some of the trial and error from last week has dissipated. Combine that with no work obligations for the both of us (don’t be jealous) and we have a couple days of carefree living to enjoy. I imagine this small window of time will be devoted to more Netflix binge watching, adventures with Sloan, and cuddle time with Beau.

It was a wonderful initial week as a family of four.
Things will pick up again mid-week with Ash Wednesday and a special visit from my mom and sister. A huge day for our family will follow on Thursday. Friday and Saturday will be eventful as well. Then, once March arrives, it will be all about packing for a move.
So please excuse us for pressing on the brake for the next 48 hours. We can’t thank our family and friends enough for looking after us throughout this hectic but blessed month. Have a great week, everyone. Don’t Blink.