Last Thursday Rundown I was writing on Halloween! It is now November and we are four weeks away from Thanksgiving. Here we go with my first Thursday Rundown of the month…
My Little Girl – We recently got back our family photos and I hope to share some of those in the near future. But tonight I just wanted to share Sloan’s school photo. There is only one question to ask: Does she look like mommy or daddy?!

This little girl though…
Trick-or-Treating with Sloan – Before Sid called to tell us to come home, Sloan and I had a great time navigating the streets of our neighborhood on Halloween. I once again pushed Sloan in her car as we trick-or-treated at some pretty festive houses. In South Carolina, because it is always nice out, you don’t go up to the door because people just set up a table at the end of the driveway and pass out candy that way. This was my sixth Halloween in Myrtle Beach and I am still not used to candy melting because it is so hot.

Sloan and I pulled up to one of those houses that had a bucket outside with nobody occupying it.
That’s A Long Time to Celebrate Christmas – My friend posted the below image on her Facebook wall. I know a lot of people who follow a similar calendar, including some who don’t even bother to circle the Thanksgiving dates. Anyway, I thought it was pretty funny.

Do you follow a calendar like this?
Cheer for the Chants – Tonight, Coastal Carolina University will be on national television once again. Our football team is hosting a Thursday night contest against Louisiana at 7:30 p.m. ET. To all my west coast friends, make sure to tune in to ESPNU if you want to see our teal turf in all of its glory under the lights. Go Chants!

Watch the Chants on Thursday night football.
C-SPAN Bus – A rather large vehicle rolled onto campus today. The famous C-SPAN Bus, rivaled only in popularity by the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile, stopped by Coastal Carolina University for a few hours today. The bus travels the country and stops at colleges and high schools to expose Americans to C-Span’s political and educational resources. I had a chance to visit the bus while covering it for social media and was impressed by the interactive experience that it offered.

It was interesting to visit the C-SPAN Bus today. It made a visit to Coastal Carolina University.
Thanks for spending part of your Thursday evening with me. I will be leaving the state on Sunday but will touch base with you that morning with details. Don’t Blink.