The Holidays Are Just Getting Started

What a blessed Christmas holiday we enjoyed! We attended the Christmas vigil mass at St. Andrew on Christmas Eve and it was beautiful. We followed it up by spending Christmas day with Sid’s family. We gathered for breakfast and presents in the morning and then reunited in the evening for a delicious prime rib dinner.

It was a great Christmas day with Sid’s family.

Yes, Sloan absolutely loved all the Christmas festivities. Her playroom is now a unicorn utopia and if you are ever in our neck of the woods please stop by, Sloan would love to cook for you with her new kitchen set.

Sloan received a lot of Unicorn “stuff”, a kitchen play set, and other items.

The Christmas holiday for us is far from over. Today we make the long trip to see my family in Spokane. I have shared the logistics of getting there several times before but for those who need a refresher, this is what we have in front of us: We will leave Myrtle Beach at noon to drive to Charleston to catch a 5 p.m. flight. The plane will take us from coast to coast as we will land in Seattle. We will then do a little bit of backtracking via a short westward flight from Seattle to Spokane. My parents will pick us up at Spokane International Airport at 12:30 a.m.

We can’t wait to spend time with my family during this holiday season. I think they are going to flip out (in a good way) when they see how much Sloan has grown and what a silly, social little girl she has become. It will be a short trip, with barely enough time to shake our jet lag, before we head back to Myrtle Beach early in the morning on New Year’s Eve. But we fully intend to make every single minute count and we are just so happy to see everyone that the duration of the trip doesn’t really matter.

Watch out Spokane! We are coming for you.

The next time I post to Don’t Blink will be for my special end of the year blog posts. On Dec. 30 I will publish my Top Ten Blog Posts of 2018 and then on Dec. 31 I will publish my reflective year in review. I hope you will keep your eyes open for both of those posts.

Until then, I hope you enjoy your holiday week. If you have a couple minutes, please pray for our safe navigation across the country and for plenty of stamina for Sloan. Happy holidays! Don’t Blink.

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