The Results of My AncestryDNA Test

The email came in late Saturday night…

Brent, your AncestryDNA results are in!

This email notified me that my AncestryDNA results were in.

The wait was over. Before opening it up I excitedly told Sidney the news. She then ushered me over to the couch she was sitting on so we could view the results together. I pressed my thumb on the email subject line. A teaser page came up, inviting me to Explore your DNA results. I followed the link and this is what we found out…

A summary of my results!

In a nutshell, I was not shocked about one major component of the results while I was a bit surprised about another.

1. I knew I would have a high percentage of Italian blood in me.
2. I thought, based on what my dad told me, that I would have significant German ancestry from his side.

While the obvious Italian connection of my mom’s side of the family was reflected in the test, German blood was mostly absent. Instead, I believe my dad passed on the 15% of Irish/Scottish blood to me. Although this is quite obvious since my mom is full Italian, it became even clearer when I was able to view the DNA results of one of my cousins on my dad’s side who also had 15% of Irish/Scottish blood in him.

However, my dad also told me that I had some French in me and that was accurately portrayed in the test. The results pegged me at 14% French.

As for my Italian roots, the test placed my heritage straight in the heart of Italy, reporting that I have DNA most commonly found in individuals who originated from San Marino, Vatican City, and Malta. According to AncestryDNA, 31% of my DNA can be traced from ancestors of that region.

The test got really specific on what areas of Italy my DNA is from.

The test also reported that 36% of my DNA lineage can be traced to the England, Wales, and Northwestern Europe region. Unfortunately, I wasn’t given specific locations within those areas like I was with my Italian heritage. This geographic group is just so big I am thinking the test probably can’t get too specific. My guess is this: The England, Wales, and Northwestern Europe group overlaps northern Italy on the AncestryDNA map. I would assume that a chunk of that 36% originated there.

Nothing random really showed up. Supposedly I have 1% Baltic in me. Other than that, no exotic cultures or far east connections showed up on the test. Take one look at me and that makes sense.

For the most past, I was pleased with the test. The promptness was incredible. It took less than a month for my results, far quicker than the eight weeks I was expecting. I also thought it was really cool how it connected me to numerous distant relatives. It was exciting going through the names of these people and viewing their AncestryDNA profiles, learning how we are connected. I was also convinced of the accuracy of these tests, as it backed up a lot of what I already knew (except for the German part).

I do wish it went into more detail regarding some of the regions (such as the large England, Wales, Northwestern Europe group). I hear that 23andMe might specialize a little better in this department. Aside from the genetic breakdown and the family tree, you really don’t get any additional information. I was expecting more analysis.

If you are at all interested in finding out your ancestry, now is the time to do it! My mom paid $99 for my test (birthday present). With the holidays here, AncestryDNA is offering a new promo price of $59. That is a steal! If you have any curiosity at all, take advantage of it.

Get your AncestryDNA kit while they are cheap!

It is refreshing to know a little bit more about my background. In fact, it makes me want to investigate even further! Whether I pursue it more is anyone’s guess. Until then, I am happy to have these initial answers. Don’t Blink.

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