Amazing August Rundown

It is that time of the week that majority of my readers look forward to…Thursday! Don’t worry, we aren’t breaking with tradition today, I got five topics coming at you right now. Enjoy my latest Thursday Rundown…

What A Month! – Without a doubt, August takes the cake for biggest month of 2018…so far. So much has happened that as we approach September I am a little out of breath. Besides Sid starting her fifth year of teaching, Sloan going back to daycare fulltime, and work heating up for me, we had a lot of other things on our minds as well. We made some major decisions that coincided with a couple of professional triumphs. We have also spent the entire month orchestrating a move (see below). A lot went on behind the scenes as we made this month as successful as possible and I owe a lot to Sid and family members for support and guidance. Over the last four weeks it has become even more evident to me that family is everything. It was a good reminder to always put your loved ones first and always treat them well.

Our family could not have asked for an August with more blessings (even if this photo is from July).

On the Move – All the packing and planning we did over the last few weeks will culminate this weekend. Sid, Sloan, and I are moving into a bigger and better house and we couldn’t be more excited. Don’t worry, we are staying in Myrtle Beach! Our new home is closer to both our workplaces and to Sloan’s daycare. Movers arrive at our old house tomorrow and we will take the Labor Day weekend to get settled. More details on the new home to come in the future. Until then, I want to thank all the family members and friends who have so graciously asked if they could help us move. Also, I want to take the time to recognize Sidney for taking the lead in moving logistics. She has done an amazing job!

We can’t wait until we move into our house. The best part might be the huge backyard (bottom left hand corner).

Sloooooaaaaaan – Thought I would share a recent photo of Sloan to update you on her constant growth. She becomes less of a baby and more of a toddler each day. Her current hobbies include dancing, going to the park, and blowing bubbles. She is extremely skilled with articulating what she wants and she is constantly making us laugh. We pray that God continues to bless her (and us).

Like I said, one of Sloan’s new hobbies is going to the park. She loves playing on the jungle gym.

3 a.m. Doorbell Ring – The most eerie story of the week for me was the case of the mystery woman ringing doorbells during the wee hours of the night. A surveillance camera caught a distraught-looking woman going door-to-door in a Texas neighborhood frantically ringing doorbells. It appears as if she has restraints on her arms. This story blew up social media yesterday and everyone had their theories on who she was and what she was doing. Thankfully, news broke this morning that the woman had been located. At this time, no additional details are available. All I can say is I got chills when I saw that ghostly looking individual approaching doors with the look of sadness and desperation in her eyes. I really hope she is okay.

A screenshot of the Texas woman who was ringing doorbells at 3 a.m.

Canker Sores, Willy Wonka, Don’t Blink Insight – I have written about some random topics on this date. A year ago, I wrote about the painful battle between my mouth and canker sores. I am a sucker for them and could still use suggestions on how to combat them. On Aug. 30, 2018, I wrote a tribute blog post about Gene Wilder. The man who was best known as Willy Wonka had recently passed away and I decided to give my two cents. Three years ago on this date I wrote a Q&A post about Don’t Blink. I answered a lot of questions people would routinely (and still do) ask me about my blog. In fact, it is one of my favorite posts of all-time so I suggest reading it.

Three years ago, I answered some common questions I get about my blog.


Busy and tiring weekend coming up for us! I hope my readers are able to enjoy a more relaxing weekend. Enjoy the start of college football and have a great Labor Day. Don’t Blink.

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