You only turn 1 once, right?

To have a big birthday party for this little girl or not to have a big birthday party for this little girl? No brainer!
After some contemplating, Sid and I decided that we wanted to have a big birthday party for Sloan. After reaching the conclusion that we would throw a party, the second question was what the theme would be. This was the easiest question of them all. Sidney had her heart set on a St. Patrick’s-themed gathering. Sure, in 10 years Sloan might tire of the St. Pat’s connection but for her first birthday it was pretty much a given, especially since the holiday fell on a Saturday this year. The third and final “big” question was where we would have it at. After flip flopping between our house and Sidney’s parents’ house, we decided on the latter (thanks in-laws!).
With the main components squared away, we started focusing on the finer parts of Sloan’s birthday bash. We made a guest list, selected an invitation template, and decided on a menu. A couple weeks before the big date, Sid and I (Sloan came too) picked out balloons, decided on a cake, and purchased decorations. The planning phase went great.

A look at Sloan’s invite (minus the address and regret number).
A week before the party, we started to make final arrangements. Sid made checklists and I started on my special projects. Then, this past Thursday and Friday, my wife was in full party planner mode. Both days she was out picking up food, utensils, and necessities for Saturday’s event. Things were coming together!

I worked with Brooke Holden of Brooke Holden Calligraphy to have this board made for Sloan. It was displayed at her birthday party.
Sid awoke at 4:30 a.m. on Saturday and prepared her dishes. Among other things, she made a broccoli salad, fruit salad, and a Lucky Charm mix that guests took home as their party favor.

The Lucky Charm mix that Sid made for guests to take as their party favor.
We arrived at party headquarters 90 minutes before the bash started. As Sid decorated, I dashed off to pick up the balloons, chicken, and cake. I first went to a party store and picked up 20 balloons, including a giant #1. Whoever saw me attempting to stuff all those inflatables into the back of the car would have enjoyed a good laugh. I then went to Publix and picked up the giant cake and chicken tenders.

A few of the balloons that we placed outside (including the big #1) that I picked up for Sloan’s party.
I arrived back at the house just as the party was about to start. Our first guests pulled up right as I was bringing all the goods inside the home. Sid worked to get everything set up, doing a great job working under pressure.

Sloan’s cake for the guests.
It didn’t take long before we had a full house. We crammed 32 people (babies included) into the living room and dining room areas of my in-laws’ home. With everyone there, we played a slideshow on the TV, one of my responsibilities. It was a silent looping video that showed some of the best shots from Sloan’s first year and proved to be an effective conversation starter among the guests.

Our family at Sloan’s party.
Sid worked the whole house, talking to all the guests while making sure everything was stocked and in order. My mother-in-law also worked extremely hard to back her daughter up and make sure everything went according to plan.
With Sid running the show, I was able to take video and photos of the momentous occasion. I also was able to use and promote the two special geofilters I had designed for Sloan’s special day.

Sloan was a little shy with her cake at first.
Things were going by fast. It was time for Sloan to eat/smash her cake. We sang “happy birthday” and then our daughter went for it! Well, she didn’t exactly “go for it.” It took her a few moments to warm up to the cake but eventually she discovered that she liked it and started to tear it up a bit.

After a little hesitation, Sloan warmed up to her cake.
When she was finished, we called a quick timeout and gave Sloan a bath and wardrobe change. She then made her encore appearance to open up her gifts. So many presents surrounded Sloan that she possibly couldn’t open them all…thankfully mommy and daddy were there to help. One word can describe Sloan after all the gifts were opened: Spoiled.

Sloan with one of her friends, Stevie Blair, while opening up gifts.
As our party guests started to filter out, we both felt a couple different ways. First, we felt a little bit of relief. Throwing a party can be stressful, but the predominating emotion was definitely joy. Not only was our little girl 1 but we had shared the day with a large group of people who care about her.

Sid organized and executed a very nice party for Sloan and her guests.
Sidney worked long and hard on this party and her efforts paid off. Call me one proud husband and one proud daddy. Don’t Blink.
(Belated) Happy First Birthday to Sloan (and Mom and Dad). Brent and Sidney, you are doing a wonderful job–and you kind of make it look toooo easy, lolol..Kidding, I know I am not seeing everything that goes into raising a little one. Brent, you are such a great, loving dad to your little lady. It means a lot, honestly. It is touching to see you both handling marriage, parenthood and everything else life has to offer with positive attitudes.
Wishing you all continued blessings. Thank you for sharing your lives with us all. And I appreciate your humor!
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