I have gone on record before saying how much I love the month of March. However, this past March was by far the best one ever. In fact, from now on I will forever look upon the third month of the year with even more adoration than before. The birth of your child seems to do that to you.

You can’t have much of a better month when your daughter is born.
What a crazy and beautiful ride March 2017 was. It was perfectly broken up in two halves. The first couple weeks saw us preparing the house for Sloan, purchasing last minute necessities, and celebrating baby showers at work. Then, just like clockwork, things became a lot more real at the midpoint of the month on March 15. Sidney went to the hospital that morning and the doctor made the decision to start the labor process. A couple days later on St. Patrick’s Day, the best moment of our lives arrived as Sloan was born. The next two weeks would bring joy, surrealism, and enlightenment.

I accompanied Sloan to her first pediatrics appointment (this is me feeding her in the examination room). She had a great report!
April hit this weekend and it will no doubt be a second consecutive “best four weeks of my life” type of month. It will be our first full month with Sloan and we will undoubtedly fall even more in love with her as we delve into a routine and bond with her even more. April will be marked by a visit from her west coast grandparents as my mom and dad will arrive in Myrtle Beach on the 19th. We will also be able to share Sloan with Sidney’s extended family members and our friends as well. Yep, big things are in store for our baby daughter this April as the world opens up to her a little bit more each day.

The world opens up a little more each day for Sloan.
Making this month even a little sweeter, we will celebrate my favorite holiday, watch my hometown basketball team play in the national championship, and enjoy The Master’s/MLB Opening Day.
Life is good when you have so much to look forward to. Thanks to Sloan, we won’t have any shortages of motivation and excitement for a long time. Don’t Blink.