We have just about reached the final countdown for the debut of our daughter. Although the official due date is April 7, smart people who have medical degrees have told us chances are good that she might come a couple weeks early. That means we could very well be parents this month! With the greatest day of our lives quickly approaching, we took some major steps to prepare ourselves this weekend.
A few months ago when my sister asked through a group message if Sidney was “nesting” yet, I thought Miranda was a victim of autocorrect. Unless it had something to do with birds, I had never heard the term in my life. But as the time went by, I became quite familiar with the word and everything that went along with it. While I have watched and helped Sidney “nest” over the last several weeks, it seemed as if our “nesting” (sorry for all the quotations) became more intense over the past two days.
Yesterday, my in-laws came over and the four of us combined to prepare the house for a newborn baby. I scrubbed toilets and my father-in-law mopped floors downstairs. But it was upstairs where the major work went down. Sidney and her mom deep cleaned the nursery, guest room, and top level bathroom. They also did the monumental task of going through all the baby shower gifts and sorting, opening, and placing them. They then came downstairs and also cleaned the areas where I might have missed. At the end of the day we had a sparkling house and a beautiful baby-ready nursery.

Our nursey and home are both ready for a newborn.
Today, Sidney and I started to “baby-proof” our main vehicle. Sidney completely vacuumed out the Toyota RAV4. We then took it through the car wash. When we arrived home, we installed the car seat base and placed the actual car seat on it. We then fastened the baby mirror to the head rest of where the car seat is. Finally, we put on the window shades that will keep the sun off of our daughter. A little later in the day, I met with our neighbor’s son-in-law who is in law enforcement. He checked the car seat base to make sure it passed inspection. He gave us his approval along with some tips on how we can be sure that it is always secure.

After our baby is born, we will be able to take her home from the hospital because our car is ready to go!
With so much necessary work completed this weekend, Sidney just told me, “Okay, she can be born now!”

As I write this, Sidney is sleeping on the couch next to me. She has reached the point where she is now very ready to become a mom.
Sidney has reached the home stretch and is in that not very fun stage of constant discomfort. With some major tasks now off our list, how can you blame her? I can only hope that the remaining time goes quickly for her. Big thanks to my in-laws for the tremendous help they gave us this weekend. Don’t Blink.
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