Recently, Sidney and I found out she would be giving birth to a baby girl in April. We had anticipated the news for a long time as we basically counted down the days until we would know the gender. Our families couldn’t wait to hear the verdict, my co-workers participated in a “gender poll,” and Sidney performed every possible old wives’ tale test determined to predict whether she was carrying a boy or girl.

It was a 10-10 split from the Office of University Communication at Coastal Carolina on whether Sidney and I would have a girl or boy.
Although some people prefer to wait until birth to find out the sex of their baby, we are so glad we found out when we did. We can now shop for our daughter, daydream about raising a little girl, and begin setting up the nursery. However, the best part of finding out the gender of our baby (for us anyway) is this: We can now establish an identity.
Over the past 10 days or so since learning the news, we have grown even more attached to the little person Sidney is carrying. It just isn’t a baby anymore, it is our daughter. We can now use the pronouns of “her” and “she” without hesitation. We can practice the name we have already picked out by greeting her with it every morning and every night. It is now crystal clear what is developing inside Sidney and it feels like we are much more connected to all the excitement than we were before.

Sidney and I are thrilled to be having a baby girl.
Personally, I am elated at having a baby girl. For the past 20 weeks, I never really had an instinct on the gender. Not only did I not have an instinct, I also didn’t have a preference. Now I don’t have to explain these feelings to people anymore because there is no doubt that we are having a baby girl.
Sidney has told me over and over that there is no love like the love a daughter has for her daddy. I am excited for this incredible gift and I can’t wait to do all that I can to foster it.
Everyone is thrilled about the news from Sidney’s family to my family. Upon hearing what we are having, my sister immediately sent us a baby girl outfit. When we Facetimed my parents about the news, it was an exact replication from when we told them that Sidney was pregnant. Yes, my dad was once again wiping away tears. I told my mom that I hope she didn’t mind another granddaughter (my sister has daughters) and she said, “Not at all! I will take 10 of them!”
But of course the person most excited about this all is Sidney. She has already picked out the nursery theme, raided the baby aisle at Target, and went on a Pottery Barn Kids online shopping spree.
And that was just the first night after finding out.
Sid is truly in love with our soon-to-be baby daughter and it is so special to see.

We will soon be blessed with a baby daughter. We can’t wait to start creating our nursery.
The greatest mystery of having a baby is now solved and we are happy/relieved. Already more than halfway through the pregnancy, we are excited to embark on the second half with the knowledge that we have a special baby daughter waiting to see us at the start of April. Don’t Blink.
And now to finalize the name 🙂