The Baby Name Game

Names are a big deal. Most people have a tough enough time deciding on a name for their pet, let alone a child. When Sidney and I first started discussions on what to name our baby, I didn’t know how deliberations would go.

From the time we started dating, Sidney would throw name ideas my way. She kept a list on her phone with both boy and girl options she liked. To be honest, I wasn’t always enthusiastic about all her ideas. When it came to names, Sidney is much more adventurous while I am much more conservative.

It was because of this difference in name style preference that I didn’t know how smooth the process of deciding what we would call our first child would go. But you know what? The decisions came easily. When we found out we were expecting, we immediately started to discuss names. I don’t even know exactly how it all went other than Sidney pitched some names to me. She gave me selections that weren’t totally out in left field while at the same time not your typical run of the mill classics. I told her I really liked a certain girl’s name she presented to me and I told her I really liked a certain boy’s name she presented to me. Sidney responded to me by saying she loved both of those names as well.

After probably a week of thinking about those two names while also tossing around a couple other contenders, we became set on our frontrunners. This was all in early August.

We are now more than halfway through the month of November and we are set on what we have chosen. Surprisingly, it was more difficult deciding on middle names than it was first names. We have waivered a bit on those but we are pretty sure what we are going with.

One of these days, I will make a list of the concerns/conditions I ran each potential name through. For me, because I am weird, they run much deeper than “how does it sound?” or “who does it remind me of?” But thankfully for Sid and I, we very quickly decided on names that met the standards for both of us. We can definitely say that this important decision was not a stressful one. Don’t Blink.

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