The Coastal Baseball Team National Champs Thursday Rundown

It is tough to punch the keys on my keyboard now. Coastal Carolina University is home to the baseball national champions. Social media is completely bonkers at this moment and my adrenaline is through the roof but I wanted to take a quick breather and write. In the near future I will reflect on what this Coastal baseball team actually did. However, since it is a Thursday, I thought I would talk about the finer moments of the experience for me in tonight’s Thursday Rundown.

Fun On Twitter – In most professions, people are aware of and keep in touch with their counterparts in similar positions at different companies. This holds true for higher education social media professionals. I am friends with the person who heads up the social media program at the University of Arizona. When it became official that our schools would play each other in the College World Series Finals, we were excited for the social media possibilities. Over the past several days the @UofA and @CCUChanticleers Twitter accounts have gone back and forth in friendly dialogue. For our most memorable exchanges, click here and here.

My Own Media Circus – Over the past couple of days, I have made the rounds on the major three local news stations here in Myrtle Beach. On Tuesday, WMBF interviewed me. Then yesterday I sat down with reporters from WPDE and WBTW. All of these stations visited me to talk about the impact the baseball team’s success has had on our main social media program as a whole and just our entire university in general. Although I can’t say my interviews were stellar, I really appreciate the coverage Myrtle Beach media outlets are giving to our university.

Me during my interview with WMBF on Tuesday.

Me during my interview with WMBF on Tuesday.

Bonding Time With My Wife – When the Chants were playing the games, I covered them right from my living room. I had my electronics in front of me but my wife right beside me. Sidney is not a big sports fan but she watched every College World Series game that CCU played in with me. That means over the course of six nights and one afternoon we bonded together over baseball. We ate dinner, commented on the action, and rooted on the Chants. It was a lot of fun.

Sidney and I are true Chanticleers.

Sidney and I are true Chanticleers.

No Surprise – It was well-documented that Coastal Carolina Chanticleers merchandise flew off the shelves in Omaha. This fact didn’t shock me. I have said since I arrived at CCU that our colors are unique and fun. Teal stands out and is inviting. With the exposure our baseball uniforms have received on ESPN for several different nights, I have a good feeling that a lot of people not just in the Grand Strand area and Omaha are going to be getting their hands on Chant gear.

You can't beat our school colors.

You can’t beat our school colors.

Celebration Time – Now comes more fun. Over the next 24 hours we will celebrate our baseball team. This evening I will be at the airport at 11 p.m. when the team comes back home after two weeks in Omaha. Tomorrow we will hold a parade for the team in downtown Conway. Following the motorcade we will have a ceremony at the baseball stadium. Great opportunities for memories and social media gains.


Congrats to the Coastal Carolina University baseball team on a remarkable achievement. It is a great time to be the guy who is running the social media program for the school but an even better time to just be a Chanticleer. Don’t Blink.

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