If you are on this page, it means you are here for my Thursday Rundown. Thank you for choosing my blog! Let’s get right to it…
Teaser for Friday – Last night I had internet issues and was unable to write/post to Don’t Blink. It was frustrating because, well, internet issues are always frustrating. I also had a cool topic to write about too. So, to make up for Wednesday, I will publish a rare Friday blog post (Hint: It might be about another presidential candidate).

I snapped this photo last night. Did we meet him? Stay tuned for tomorrow night’s blog post.
Beating the Cold/Flu – It was without fail, every February I would come down with a nasty cold. It would always come to the point of feeling absolutely miserable. Lucky for me, this year I feel like a million bucks. Living in a climate that is not susceptive to sub zero temperatures is a big reason why. However, for those who are battling a cold/flu virus at the moment, let me offer you a little bit advice I gave two years ago today. I know you are probably medicating yourself with the top flu drugs right now and that is great. But, give yourself an extra edge at a speedy recovery by practicing these three remedies: Think positive, keep busy, and exercise. Trust me, this will help you feel better.
Blog Takeover Reaction – As usual, Sidney’s latest blog post was met with acclaim. It produced a lot of social media engagement, generated a massive amount of traffic to my site, and encouraged several people at work to tell me how much they enjoyed it. However, leave it to my mom to really drive the point home.
Phone Call
Me: Hi mom!
Mom: Hi Brent! I loved Sidney’s blog post.
Me: Yes, she did a great job.
Mom: I think you should just let her takeover your blog full-time.
Another Grammys Disappointment – I might be done with the Grammys. Last year I wrote about how uninspired I was with the show. This year I feel the word “uninspired” doesn’t even begin to cover it. I barely made it through half of the 3.5 hour marathon. The Grammys used to be a production that was high energy and fun. The past couple years have turned the awards show into a snoozefest that tries too hard to resemble the Oscars. I think the show needs to be modernized again and a better effort made to maintain and engage the audience. Never once did I sit on my couch listening to the teasers of what was coming up next and say, “Dang, I got to stick around for this.”
Wedding Update #20 – Sidney and I met with the pastoral associate at St. Andrew yesterday. During the meeting, he gave us a book for us to make our selections in regarding the readings, prayers, responsorial psalm, etc. to be said at our wedding service. How exciting! This past Saturday, Sidney and I sat down and rounded up the final addresses we need for our wedding invitations. With under four months to go, things are really starting to heat up.
At the end of my Thursday Rundowns I usually wish you all a great weekend. Can’t do that this time as I will have a Friday edition tomorrow evening so try to adjust your Don’t Blink reading schedules. Don’t Blink.