It is the week before Halloween—are you ready?! If you have kids, you better be! Halloween festivities will be prevalent this weekend so it is important that your children have their costumes picked out and candy bucket ready to go. Let’s begin with my latest rundown…
Sloan Finishes Another Soccer Season – Last Saturday, Sloan concluded her fall soccer season. This autumn brought about longer games, bigger fields, and more practices. A new uniform color (purple) and team name (the Flying Purple People Eaters) also entered into the mix. For all the changes, Sloan still had Coach Caleb Hatch leading the team along with some of the same teammates from last year. It was another great season where Sloan played hard and honored her commitment to the team.

Sloan with her soccer coach, Caleb Hatch, after her last game this past Saturday.
October Surprise – The term “October Surprise” is meant to convey an unexpected development in a Presidential Election that takes place the month prior to the first Tuesday in November. But a lot of people—including yours truly—use the term loosely. We received an October surprise four years ago on this date when a storm dumped several inches of snow on Spokane. The surprise was magnified even more for Sidney, Sloan, and Beau who had moved out west just a few months prior and never seen snow in October before. Although the kids love the snow, I am fine if we don’t experience this type of “October Surprise” again.

Sid and Sloan out in the snow during the October 2020 snow storm.
Movies – It has been a busy week for movies in the Reser household. I watched the current #1 Netflix film, “Woman of the Hour,” and was underwhelmed and depressed by it. I found the Anna Kendrick-directed film lacking in substance and structure. I get that it is a biographical film on a monster, but there just wasn’t anything there. Sid and I took the weekend to watch “Unhinged,” the current #2 Netflix film. Russell Crowe plays a psychotic villain convincingly enough that it kept me on the edge of my seat. At the same time, the film also managed to instill a worthwhile message. Finally, I watched “Barbarian” on Hulu. It was rated in the highest tier of Huluween’s scary rankings (Very, VERY Scary). It was a unique horror film and provided some decent anxiety.

Three of the movies I watched over the past several days.
National Bologna Day – It is National Bologna Day and some readers might be surprised to know that my mom didn’t make me only peanut butter sandwiches growing up. She would also mix in a bologna sandwich (two pieces of white bread and a single slice of Oscar Mayer bologna) every now and then. Bologna would catch up to me in my adult years as well when the cold cut combo became my favorite Subway sandwich. But my love for the bologna/ham/salami sandwich dwindled when the $5 footlong price nearly doubled. Regardless of inflation paired with Subway’s price hike, bologna is still good!

I am not a huge fan of Subway anymore. But happy National Bologna Day!
Sloan’s Halloween Costumes – I hope my daughter is pleased because this Thursday Rundown has been filled with her…but she deserves it! With Halloween right around the corner, I thought I would share every costume she has worn for the holiday over the years. In order, they include flamingo, Peppa Pig, unicorn, Poppy, Moana, black witch, and orange witch. Any guesses what she will be this year?

From 0-6 years old, here is every Halloween costume Sloan has ever worn.
Enjoy the Halloween weekend, friends. Take advantage of your annual license to eat candy, watch scary movies, and dress up in your favorite costume. Don’t Blink.