Dealing With Butler

It is well past midnight but I have little interest in sleep right now. Ever since news spread this afternoon at my nephew’s birthday party about the incident in Butler, I have been glued to coverage nonstop.

For me, this isn’t a political thing. Instead, it is just really sad and surreal. What happened today shook me up. I have talked to my wife and dad a lot about it. When chatting with Sid, I told her the last time I felt such an unsettling feeling was the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.

Of course the massacre seven years ago was much more heinous when it comes to bloodshed, but I think both incidents share that same sense of helplessness that has me so bothered.

The event in Pennsylvania should have been secure—or at least that is the notion that most of us believe…perhaps erroneously. For someone to have the window to shoot down on a large gathering of people is something that legitimately keeps me up at night.

Speaking of being kept up at night, there are two big things that have swirled around in my head all day…

First, I think of the violent death that missed Donald Trump by literally millimeters. A weakness in my stomach festers when I think how close it came to a bloody death of decapitation. To ponder that my children would be exposed to that gruesome clip for the rest of their lives makes me sick.

Second, I think of the innocent victim who did meet the death that Trump so narrowly escaped. A dude went to a rally and was killed when bullets rained down from the sky. His family witnessed his unimaginable death. During the 2016 presidential election season, Sidney and I went to multiple Democrat and Republican rallies (South Carolina is a primary hotbed) and I never thought once that the possibility existed that one of us might not come home.

Again, I am not entertaining any political angle, advantage, or conspiracy theory from today. The only thing I am doing is PRAYING that Joe Biden and Donald Trump AND everyone else who decides to take part in the political process—whether that be by attending a rally, working for a campaign, or covering a race—remains safe. While I am at it, I also ask you to join me in praying for complete safety and peace at the Summer Olympics that begin later this month.

Let us pray hard for peace for the remainder of this election season.

It is going to be a long four months, folks. May this bitterly contested presidential race abandon violence and hatred and instead embrace peace and civility. Don’t Blink.

One thought on “Dealing With Butler

  1. Hi Brent, I hope all is well. Miss you at CCU. I’m honestly not shocked something like this has not happened before. I know it’s only my opinion, but when the Democrats spend basically the past 8 years trying to convince people that Trump is Hitler, such a so called huge threat to democracy, I am sure that some of their weak minded supporters aren’t going to try something. I have never understood why Make America Great Again is so controversial.

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