Good evening and happy Monday Eve Eve Eve Eve! Wow, that was a really bad joke. Before I get pummeled with tomatoes, how about we just get to the five topics? Okay, here we go…
Happy Leap Year – Today is Feb. 29 so please allow me to wish a very happy birthday to all our leap day babies! I had the special opportunity to produce a leap day video for work. We focused on three WSU students who “turned 5” today and had some fun with them. You can watch the video by tapping here.

This was a fun video to make and I actually learned a lot about leap day babies.
Four Years – This week (Feb. 27 specifically) marks the four-year anniversary of when Sidney was welcomed into the Catholic Church and Beau was baptized. What a blessed day it was! I still remember arriving at St. Andrew Catholic Church in Myrtle Beach and when my family entered the chapel area, many of my Knights of Columbus brothers and other people from the parish were already seated ready to support Sid and Beau. We are forever grateful to Fr. Roger Morgan for bestowing the sacraments upon us.

Thanks be to God for Feb. 27, 2020. This is our family at St. Andrew Catholic Church in Myrtle Beach on the day Sidney was welcomed into the Church and Beau was baptized.
Sloan Reading – Throughout the year at St. Mary Catholic School, the different grades take turns hosting mass. The students in the respective grades will do the opening prayer, bring down the gifts, and lead everyone else in the prayers of the faithful. Another job is to do the reading. Yesterday, the first graders presented mass and Sloan was chosen for that day’s long reading. She proclaimed Wisdom 7:7-10, 15-16 and did a flawless job, even with many big words mixed in. She practiced with me for two weeks and her efforts paid off. I took time off work to attend the mass and I was so proud of Sloan and all her classmates.

Sloan reading at the St. Mary (Spokane Valley) school mass on February 27, 2024.
National Toast Day – A half decade ago in 2019, I explained how my wife teases me for not really making toast but just “warm bread.” I can’t object—five years later I still cook my “toast” just to the point where it starts to stiffen a bit. Although I gave myself credit in 2019 for being a #11, I really am more of a #16. My wife? She is a solid #13.

According to this chart, how do you eat your toast?
Bring On March – I love the month of March! Spring arrives, longer days set in, Sloan celebrates her birthday, pandemonium ensues with March Madness, and this year the month concludes with Easter. I have liked the third month of the year for a long time, in fact, I wrote about my admiration for March back in 2013…that’s 11 years ago!

My brother and I on Easter Sunday in 2012.
That will do it for tonight. Sidney and I have a huge weekend on the horizon as we will present to 12 engaged couples at a retreat through our Engaged Encounter work. Please pray for us! Don’t Blink.