An “Every Four Years” Year…2024

Welcome to 2024, friends. How does it feel?

Happy New Year from my children! We are looking forward to a good year.

For me, it has felt a bit rough. The day started great with a workout and then the beginning of mass. However, during the latter, I started to feel a little queasy. By the time the Eucharistic prayer came along, I had to excuse myself as I felt I might make a mess. Thankfully, no vomit touched the ground inside St. Paschal Catholic Church.

As I write this, I am still battling the effects of this holiday bug. However, I am not allowing it to place an omen on what 2024 might have in store. I am way too positive for that. Instead, I am framing today as the perfect opportunity for a body cleanse before the year starts in earnest 😂.

I have made a better effort at New Year’s resolutions the past several years and I have a few for this year, too. However, I have decided to make my resolutions focus on specific acts as opposed to sustained habits. Wish me luck!

It goes without saying that this year will be big for many of us because of national/global events. It is a Presidential election year, the Summer Olympics will convene in Paris (can’t wait!), and it is a leap year! Yes, 2024 is an “every four years” year that packs plenty of excitement, competitiveness, and animosity. Tread wisely.

I always say that even-numbered years bring my family more unpredictability and change than odd-numbered years. However, if this is true, 2023 was an outlier. I am looking forward to 2024 and hope your year is fabulous as well. Love your family, trust God, and work hard—if you do those three things, you can a least get your year off to a good start…even if you spent most of Jan. 1 sick in bed. Don’t Blink.

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