I am currently watching a series on Netflix called “Super Pumped.” It is about the genesis and rise of Uber and it stars a couple of my favorite actors, Jason Gordan-Levitt and Kyle Chandler. It is really well-done and sheds light on some savvy business and marketing strategies.
Watching “Super Pumped” has caused me to reflect on my own Uber experiences. Did you know that the app allows drivers to rate their riders? In other words, at the end of every Uber ride I initiate, my driver rates ME on my punctuality, etiquette, kindness, and whatever else they want to hold me to task for.
I am pleased to say that I currently hold a perfect 5.0 rating on Uber. Thanks to all the drivers who have found me likeable enough to give me that rating!
But if I was given a rating for all the services I utilize, I don’t know if I would hold such an unblemished record.
On Sunday night, Sidney and I were completing some Christmas shopping at Target. When we went to check out, the cashier told me I had earned a bonus reward and asked if I wanted to apply it to my purchase. I told him “yes,” believing that this “reward” would give me some type of a discount on my total. When it appeared that the “reward” didn’t do as much as eliminate a single cent from how much I owed, I spoke up.

Just because I have a general dislike of Target does not mean I should project it onto the employees.
“Um, did that reward actually do anything?” I asked the cashier.
“I actually don’t know,” the cashier responded as he looked at the screen trying to find any evidence of the “reward” making any type of measurable impact on the bottom line.
Perhaps it was my general dislike of Target or my distrust of these rewards programs in the first place, but after the cashier’s confirmation that the “reward” did jack squat I looked at Sid and let my opinion be known.
“What a SCAM,” I said audibly enough that the cashier probably heard.
If that guy was able to rate me on my pleasantness, I doubt he would give me a 5.0. You better believe Sidney put me in my place.
As Advent kicks into full gear and Christmas is just 20 days away, I need to refrain from negativity, especially when it comes to instances that others can’t control. Perhaps I can improve my behavior by framing each interaction as if I were being rated. Or, on second thought, maybe I could just strive to be a kinder person without tying it to a gimmick. Don’t Blink.